Good Afternoon All!
“Do not erase the designs a child makes in the soft wax of his inner life.” ~Maria Montessori
The permanence boxes were requested today, and our friend Zoe was very intrigued by where the balls went after she placed them into the hole. She utilized her hand-eye coordination to place the balls from the flat area of the box into the hole. We also talked about the color and shape of the ball.
Daniel has really been interested in looking into the mirrors we have placed throughout the classroom. Today he looked into the habi-trail mirror and then quickly closed his eyes to a squint and started counting out loud. He got up to three and then laughed out loud at himself. We LOVE our silly little guys!
Breakfast: Whole grain Chex and banana.
Lunch: Scrambled eggs, whole wheat toast with butter, corn, and pears.
Snack: Whole wheat Ritz crackers with mozzarella and cheddar cheese.
Have a wonderful night!