WWF 12/19/2018

Good Afternoon.

“We must clearly understand that when we give the child freedom and independence, we are giving freedom to a worker already braced for action, who cannot live without working and being active.” ~Maria Montessori

Please Note: The Wee Wee Friends classroom will be undergoing some exciting new changes for our friends. During our two week break, Tami and her husband will be working hard to make our classroom environment even better. Tami will be re-locating our reading and dramatic play areas with some new and exciting features! Rebekah and I are VERY, VERY excited and we can’t wait to have you all see these wonderful changes as well. Stay Tuned Guys!!! Smile 

Puzzles are always a favorite fine motor and cognitive activity that our friends just love, but today we were able to engage in an even more exciting puzzle. A large fire truck floor puzzle. Jack and his friend Evie had a fantastic time working together, communicating and problem solving on this activity!



Breakfast: Whole grain Cheerios and pears.

Lunch: Scrambled eggs with shredded cheese, corn, and pears.

Snack: Whole wheat crackers with cream crackers, and clementine’s.

Wee Sprout: Peas.

Have a wonderful evening.


LINK TO PICTURES:  https://1drv.ms/f/s!AtTCDmdhjIuljZx4VpuwIEc2scMjQA