Happy Snowy Wednesday!
“The essence of independence is to be able to do something for one’s self.” ~Maria Montessori
Please Note: With weather quickly changing, please allow enough time to safely pick your child/ren up by 5:30. The roads are an ever changing circumstance and we want you all to arrive safely and not be rushed to make it by closing time. Also, if you would like to speak with your child’s teachers, please arrive by 5:15 or so, so that there will be enough time allotted to freely talk and able to exit the classroom by 5:30. Thank you for your attention on this matter.
Today was a great day to engage in a sensory activity. Miss Rebekah offered our friends’ to paint snowflakes. She used coffee filters with blue glittery paint and our little ones were so excited! We finally are able to enjoy the beauty of fresh snow falling, so what better activity than painting a “snowflake?!
Breakfast: Whole grain oatmeal with honey and pears.
Lunch: Scrambled eggs, while wheat butter toast, peas, and pears.
Snack: Wole wheat Ritz crackers with hummus.
Have a nice night, and drive safely.
LINK TO PICTURES: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AtTCDmdhjIuljaJy0pJgSFSVCH7Z5g