WWF 02/20/2019

Good Afternoon.

“No one can be free unless he in independent.” Maria Montessori

Today several of our friends were engaged in the dramatic play center. The baby dolls were the main attraction!

Jack and Zoe each gathered blankets for their babies and decided to wrap them up to keep them nice and cozy warm.

While engaged in this activity Jack showed great empathy skills as his baby started to cry.  He told his baby, “It’s okay baby.”


We always enjoy seeing our classroom fish float through their water environment, but today the fish were very enticing to a few of our friends.

Miss Marty asked each child that was interested which fish was their favorite, how many fish were swimming in the water and what color the fish were. We were all excited to see the fish chasing one another from time to time.


Breakfast: Whole grain Cheerios with apples.

Lunch: Scrambled eggs, whole wheat toast with butter, corn, and apples.

Snack: Whole wheat Ritz crackers and cream cheese.

Wee Sprouts: Peas.

Have a nice evening.


LINK TO PICTURES: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AtTCDmdhjIuljbhG6LWyL0U8nVxqXA