Collaborative Painting Day WF-02-17-2023

Today we created a class collaborative painting to send to Ms. Mindy who we miss so much!  Everyone was excited to help make it.  We used many different kinds of paint rollers with a variety of textures to create our painting.  We mixed primary colors with our rollers as we went creating interesting effects.




We all enjoyed the idea of collaborating because afterward many friends spontaneously chose to make more collaborative art using drawing materials.  They made banners and pictures with either a partner or a group of friends.  They proudly walked around the house to show off their banners to all of their friends.

Breakfast: rice cakes with peanut butter, fresh apples and pears

Lunch: lunch meat (turkey) sandwiches, bananas, carrots and green beans

Snack: pretzels with block cheddar cheese

Link to photos!AtTCDmdhjIullpsthe5hiLtH5qKeWA

Have a wonderful weekend!

Ms. Linsey and Miss Jena