WF, 2/21/23

Good Afternoon!


Today we made creative tin foil building projects.  We had a couple of options.  One way to work was to start with structural building materials like tongue depressors and straws, then use tape to put it together.  The tin foil could be wrapped and built like a skin on top of the structure.  Another way to use it was to mold and shape the tin foil sculpturally.  We were shown that the tin foil could be used almost like clay or play dough to bend and sculpt into shapes.  We came up with a lot of creative ideas!  Among our great ideas were: a pirate ship, an airplane, a candy bar, a swan on its nest, a person, a kite and a long tailed tiger! 


At the art table our friends made many colorful paintings using watercolors. A few friends discovered they could create new colors by mixing the existing ones. There was a painting of a rainbow, but quite a few of them were just designs that came from your child’s wonderful imagination. They all are so unique just like our WF Family.


K.M.2: Understand the concepts of time including…today, yesterday, tomorrow…

Our Kindergarteners discussed what a timeline is. They made a personal timeline for sign-in. They wrote/drew what activities they did yesterday, today, and what they will be doing tomorrow.

Breakfast: Kix & oranges

Lunch: PB on whole wheat bread, string cheese, cucumbers/green beans/green bell pepper, & watermelon

PM Snack: Whole wheat bagel w/ cream cheese & watermelon

Wee Sprouts: Green beans

Link to pictures: 2022-02-21

Have a great day,

Ms. Linsey & Ms. Kim