WF, 4/10/2023



Today, we started turning the soil in the garden.  We used garden tools like rakes, hoes and shovels to help.  We learned what each tool is best at, and tried different tasks.  Some of us aerated the soil and loosened it with the rake.  Some of us used the hoe to pull up weeds, and some used shovels to dig up weeds with deep roots.  We also removed extra leaves and sticks that had filled our garden boxes over the winter.  We found some earth worms while we worked.  This gave us a chance to talk about an earth worms job in a garden.  We learned that earth worms are decomposers who help turn dead plants back into soil as they process the leaves in their digestive tracts.  This puts nutrients trapped in the dead plants back into the soil for new plants.  We also learned that earth worm tunnels aerate the soil keeping plant roots healthy.  At small group today we read the book “An Earth Worm’s Life” and learned about how earthworms live. 


Several of us painted branches in the art center.  We picked out our colors and tried to create rings or dots in patterns around the branch using our brushes.

Breakfast: Whole wheat English Muffin w/ PB & banana

Lunch: Whole wheat pasta w/ tomato sauce & shredded cheese, carrots & green beans, & watermelon

PM Snack: Whole milk yogurt & granola

Wee Sprouts: Carrot chips & green beans

Link to photos: 


Enjoy this lovely weather,

Ms. Linsey & Ms. Kim