Happy Friday!
Happy Mothers Day! The kids have been working hard over the last couple of weeks painting and decorating their herb garden they made as a gift for Mom! Each child layered their paints as process art, first laying down a base color and then rolling and stamping textures to build the surface. They planted their basil, parsley and cilantro seeds all by themselves and placed a carefully decorated marker next to each planting so each herb is labeled. We had many wonderful discussions about how different each kind of seed looked from the others. The cilantro seeds were the favorite because for many of our friends they strongly resembled their beloved rolly- polly bugs! Each of your children also spent a lot of time creating a colorful card and thinking of special things they loved about Mom to put inside! We are sure you will all appreciate the hard work your children put into making mothers day special!
Breakfast– Brown rice cakes with peanut butter and banana.
Lunch– Ham and cream cheese rollups, whole wheat tortilla, fresh strawberries/banana, and fresh carrots/cucumber.
PM snack– Pretzels and cheese.
Wee Sprout– Fresh cucumber/carrots.
We hope all of our amazing mom’s have a fantastic Mother’s Day weekend!
-Wee Friends Teachers
Link to pictures: 2023-05-12