WF 7/10/2023

Welcome back!

It’s been an exciting Monday with new friends!  We are happy to welcome Paige and Asher to the Wee Friends family!  Both have fit seamlessly into their new classroom environment, enjoying play dough, painting as well as fostering friendships!


Indoors this morning, we used new building manipulatives at the circle table and let our imagination flow at the art table.


Outdoors we were surprised to see how big the garden got while we were on break.  Several friends helped to pick and eat pea pods and green beans.  We discovered that our zinnias have started to bloom and we spent time finding how many different colors there were in the blooms.  We also discovered a zucchini and cucumber growing.  We looked at the flowers on the plants talking about the process of flowering, pollination and the fruiting that the plants go through.  It is a wonderful treat to watch these processes unfolding naturally and in real time.      


Breakfast: Peanut butter on whole wheat toast with fresh orange slices.

Lunch: Whole wheat pasta with black beans, fresh strawberries/cantaloupe, and fresh green beans from the garden.

PM snack: Whole milk yogurt with graham crackers.

Wee Sprouts: Fresh carrots and cucumbers.

Link to photos:2023-07-10

Have a lovely day!

~ Wee Friends Teachers