Happy Monday and last day of July!
This morning Eleanor sat and engaged in feeling the textures of several of her toys with her hands. Dax and Eliza engaged with items from housekeeping, dressing up and playing with the play food and dishes and setting everything up on the circle table. They then chose a book from the bookshelf to engaged in independently.
We then headed into the kitchen to engage in some sensory play with shaving cream with Miss Tina. We enjoyed the feel of the shaving cream as we rubbed it in our hands.
Miss Bekah then brought down the sheer curtains for us to walk through. We also played peek-a-boo with them.
We then headed outside to enjoy the beautiful day! We engaged in some water and sand play in the sandbox scooping the mud from our buckets and riding on the dump truck.
Breakfast: Whole grain wheat bread toast with peanut butter and fresh cantaloupe.
Lunch: Homemade whole grain wheat elbow macaroni and cheese, fresh cantaloupe and peas.
Afternoon Snack: Whole milk yogurt and graham crackers.
Wee Sprouts: Red bell peppers.
Have a marvelous evening!
Rebekah and Tina
Link to pictures: 2023-07-31