Happy Wednesday!
This morning friends explored a loose parts fine motor activity. Many enjoyed simply the exercise and practice of moving objects with the tweezers. Our older friends turned this activity into imaginative play, pretending they were making toast with different kinds of jams to sell to friends. Adrian offered blue berry raspberry and lemon to interested customers. These kinds of open ended activities allow all ages to get what they need where ever they are developmentally. They also allows younger friends the opportunity to be exposed to the sophistication of our older friend’s play, stimulating further development.
Outside we mixed water tinted with primary paint colors for sensory and imaginative play as well as color experimentation.
The tomatoes were prolific in the garden and as popular as ever! Our oldest friend Daniel has become official garden helper. He has learned to examine the tomatoes for color and softness then to pick and distribute them evenly among waiting younger friends! We will miss all of your excellent help Daniel!
Breakfast: Oatmeal with cinnamon and cantaloupe
Lunch: Scrambled eggs with strawberries and cucumber
PM snack: popped corn with raisins
Wee Sprouts: green peppers and carrots
Link to Photos:2023-08-09
~Wee Friends Teachers
Have a lovely afternoon!