WF, 8/22/2023

Good Afternoon!

We are discussing community  helpers this week in PREK1 group. We read, ‘Albert the Fix It Man’ in group and afterwards, we talked about specific community helpers like doctor, dentist, veterinarian, and librarian. As children were rolling up their mats to go journal, I gave them one community helper and they had to share how that helper helps us.

Social Studies: K.2.1 Give examples of people who are community helpers (inside the classroom and outside the classroom) and describe how they help us.

Enjoy a few pictures from our day!



Breakfast– Kix and fresh watermelon.

Lunch– Peanut butter sandwiches on whole wheat bread, fresh apple/pineapple, and fresh carrot/cucumber.

PM snack- Whole wheat bagel with cream cheese.

Wee Sprout– Fresh cucumber/carrots.

Have a lovely night!

-Wee Friends Teachers

Link to pictures: 2023-08-22