WF 09/25/23

Good Afternoon!

Our PREK1 sign in and group time was centered around the story, ‘The True Story of the Three Little Pigs’. For sign in, children had to write their name under the character that went to each pig’s house in the story. During group, we talked about characters as well as the setting and events that occurred. We talked about the terms in general but also how they relate to the story.



PREK2: Today we introduced the idea of grouping numbers.  We had practiced the concept during activities this morning, then we practiced at group time.  We read the book “Ten Little Fish”.  When we were finished we chose a group of fish to count on the board.  We put our name next to the group we counted. 


This morning at our welcome activity we had three baskets of ten objects.  We worked on counting ten objects from each basket and then counted that we had three groups of ten.


We also worked on a number groups project this morning using craft materials.  We each picked three cards and glued them to our paper.  We then picked groups of objects to glue to each card to make our number groups.  Younger kids worked on making three groups of three.  Some of the older kids were able to make multiples of three by gluing three objects to the first card and then adding three more to each group consecutively. 


Breakfast: Peanut butter on whole wheat bread with apple slices.

Lunch: Whole wheat pasta with shredded pork and butter, fresh strawberries/oranges, and fresh green beans.

PM snack: Whole milk yogurt with graham crackers.

Wee Sprouts: Fresh bell peppers/tomatoes.

Link to photos: 2023-09-25

Enjoy the rest of your afternoon!

~Wee Friends Teachers