Good Afternoon!
PREK2: In group today we read the story “Where is My Mother?” We were encouraged to pay special attention to all of the different things the baby bird encountered during the story. At the end we tried to recall one thing the baby bird saw an his search for his mother.
Today we experimented with melting ice. As we are talking about comparisons in our curriculum this week, we tried a hot vs cold experiment. We had a block of ice and ice cubes with pompoms frozen inside plus warm water in a spray bottle and in an eye dropper. We predicted what would happen when we added it to ice. We felt the ice and the water with our fingers and described how it felt. When we tried the experiment we were encouraged to decide which method of melting we thought worked the best. Most of the class preferred the spray bottle because they just enjoyed using it the most. One friend chose to throw out the eye dropper completely, put the ice cubes directly on the cup of warm water and spray warm water on top of it which was probably the over all most effective method used:)
During our welcome activity we compared our two objects. We tried to use descriptive words to talk about how they felt differnt. We found that one felt “warm and soft” in our hand. The other felt “cold, hard and a little pointy”.
Breakfast: Whole wheat toast with butter and fresh pears.
Lunch: Whole wheat pasta mixed with fresh tomatoes, basil and mozzarella cheese, fresh apple slices and fresh bell peppers.
PM Snack: Whole milk yogurt with graham crackers.
Wee Sprouts: Fresh carrots and tomatoes.
Link to Photos: 2023-10-09
Enjoy the rest of your day!
~Wee Friends Teachers