WF 11/20/2023

Welcome back and hope everyone enjoyed the weekend!  It will be a short week but we still have lots of playful learning to enjoy!

This morning we explored some playdough beading activities.  We offered playdough trays with long sticks for stacking and counting beads.  We also offered trays with small colored match sticks for counting smaller numbers or for creating something sculptural…which naturally happed.  One of our friends stacked and counted 33 beads on each of his three sticks.  We discovered that all together he had stacked 99 beads.  After that he had to squeeze one more on to get 100!  Another pair of friends worked together with the small match sticks to create a “porcupine covered in beads”.  Someone else made it a birthday cake.  It was a great mix of math and imagination!


The counting continued with sponge dots on the easel.  One of our older friends painted and counted  50 dots!  Other friends used the dots to make beautiful abstract works of art!


Breakfast: Peanut butter on whole wheat toast with fresh apple slices

Lunch: Whole wheat pasta with beef, fresh green beans, peppers and watermelon

PM Snack: Birthday trail mix with dried fruit, pretzels and popped corn, Happy Birthday William!

Wee Sprouts: Fresh cucumbers and bell peppers

Link to photos:2023-11-20

Enjoy the day!

~Wee Friends Teachers