WF 11/29/2023

Happy Wednesday!

Today we explored a gigantic sensory bin filled with snow.  Many were eager to play with snow this morning so we decided to bring it inside.  We offered mittens to keep hands warm and to add a novel challenge to the activity.  Making snowballs with the ice cream scoops was a favorite activity in the snow.  Many friends noticed that as the snow was played with in the warm environment,  it began to change.  It was observed that the snow was getting “smaller”.  It was interesting for our friends to watch how the snow transformed as it slowly melted.


In the art center we enjoyed some new snowy white playdough with added silver and white sparkles.  A variety of sensory experiences at this age keeps young children engaged and at the same time promotes brain integration.  When all of the senses are stimulated simultaneously, the brain learns to function as one.  This will improve attention and focusing abilities though out life.


William played project manager today overseeing and designing a new obstacle course.  He added an L shaped balance beam, stepping stone blocks, stairs and bridges to hop or balance across.  It was a great social lesson in developing the skills needed for leading, using kind words and encouragement as a prompt to get others to willingly participate in a project.



Breakfast: Oatmeal with cinnamon and fresh watermelon

Lunch: Farm fresh boiled eggs with fresh bell peppers, cucumber, bananas and orange slices

PM Snack: Popped corn with cheddar cheese

Wee Sprouts: Fresh cucumbers and sliced carrots

Link to Photos:2023-11-29

Have a Lovely day!

Wee Friends Teachers