WF, 2/6/2024

Good Afternoon!

We continued diving into different text genres in PREK1 today. Yesterday we focused on fiction and today we tackled poetry! We read a few poems from the book, ‘It’s Raining Pigs and Noodles’. For poetry days, I take the book and slowly fan through the book and each child gets to place their finger on a page and that’s the poem we read. We do this for each child so that we read several poems with varying topics and lengths! After we were done, we added it to our chart. What genre will we read tomorrow?

Last week several friends were pretending to be serving lemonade at the water table we had out.  This week we elaborated on their imaginative play creating a lemonade sensory bin.  We added cups and pitchers of varying sizes.  Many friends noticed the weight difference between the small and large jugs.  Many enjoyed the challenge of picking up and pouring the largest jug into cups.  Great practice in motor control!  The lemonade making went on all morning!


At our welcome activity this morning we set out three trays of various objects, and jars to sort into.  Friends were encouraged to come up with a sorting system of their own. Several sorted by size or shape.   Our older friends came up with some very creative ways of sorting.  Nesta chose to sort her “jewels” according to how special they were.  She had a jar for the most special, one for less special and one for least special.


Today in the science area, a group of friends worked together to build a dinosaur bunk house where the dinosaurs were having a sleep over.  The bunk house stretched across the entire room with the ability to accommodate all of the dinosaurs we have!


Breakfast– Chex and fresh oranges.

Lunch– Avocado chicken sandwich on whole wheat bread, fresh cantaloupe/strawberries, and fresh pepper/carrot.

PM snack– Whole wheat bagel with peanut butter.

Wee Sprout– Fresh pepper/carrot.

Have a lovely night!

-Wee Friends Teachers

Link to pictures: 2024-02-06