WF 05/01/2024

Good afternoon!

Everyone has been enjoying experimenting with water movement in the sensory bin this week!  Today one of our friends noticed that the the spinning wheels were similar to the ones at a car wash and the whole group began playing “car wash”.  We added some cars and some soap to support this imaginative way of exploring.  The group turned it into quite an elaborate system, pretending the cars went in the top, down the tubes and through the paddle wheels.  They played all morning!


PREK2: In group today we read “My School is a Zoo”.  At the end of the story everyone recalled their favorite animal character from the book!


We enjoyed LOTS of time outside in the beautiful spring weather! A group of older friends enjoyed writing their names in the sand!  Child lead philosophy gives kids every angle on pursuing their learning!


Breakfast: Oatmeal with cinnamon

Lunch: Hard boiled farm eggs with fresh watermelon, carrot slices and broccoli florets

PM Snack: fresh guacamole or humus with whole wheat pita bread

Wee Sprouts: fresh sugar peas and carrots

Enjoy the beautiful day!

~Wee Friends Teachers

Link to Phots:2024-05-01