WF, 6/19/2024

Good Afternoon!

**We are planning a pajama day for this Friday for any child who wants to partake as a kickoff to summer vacation!

Wee Friends were enjoying work in the art center this morning.  They used a mixture of paint and glue to create artwork that was sticky!  They used sequins and confetti to add to the sticky paint surface.  Some kids made five or more paintings!  These kinds of activities engage so many parts of the brain simultaneously, increasing cognitive abilities from attention and focus to executive planning.  Activities that hold the attention and stimulate multiple senses at once, teach the brain to function as one, while strengthening the overall mind body connection.  Sometimes it’s good to remember how much is happening in the young child’s brain during what seems like simple play!



Trays with wooden pattern shapes were made available at the circle table and after we came inside from an early outside experience, Hannah and Nesta set up camp and started creating. They initially started making parallel creations where if they did something to one side of the creation, they did it to the other side too!


Then, they moved onto creations that intertwined: a ship and a kingdom!

Nesta created a ship that was moving towards Hannah’s kingdom. We love the imaginative play that comes from open ended activities such as this one. Just by simply looking at their engaged expressions, you could tell that they were extremely focused on planning their next move.


Breakfast– Overnight oatmeal with cinnamon and banana.

Lunch– Farm fresh scrambled eggs, whole wheat tortilla/flatbread, fresh cantaloupe/oranges, and fresh cucumber/carrot/pepper.

PM snack– Air popped popcorn with butter and raisins.

Wee Sprout– Fresh cucumber/carrot/pepper.

Have a great evening!

-Wee Friends Teachers

Link to pictures: 2024-06-19