WF, 10/3/2024

Good Afternoon!

We dove into our Thursday by introducing a new concept in PREK1 sign in. Each friend had to find their name before trying to identify the two numbers next to their name. Once we identified the numbers, we talked about which number was bigger. At this point, we introduced greater than, less than, and equal signs.

I always use an alligators mouth as a representation, posing the question, “If an alligator could choose between four pieces of pizza or three pieces of pizza, which would he choose?”—he’d always choose the bigger number!

K.NS.7: Identify whether the number of objects in one group is greater than, less than, or equal to the number of objects in another group.


Later on in PREK1 group, we read a book titled ‘The Snail and the Whale’. I asked the question, “By reading the titled, does it give us a possible clue about the characters in the story?”. Our oldest friend raised her hand and said, “Probably a snail and a whale!”. We also looked at the cover of the story to see if we could guess what the setting might be!

K.RL.2.3: Identify important elements of the text (e.g. characters, settings, or events).


This morning our welcome activity challenged us to build something using rocks and playdough.  Many friends found that the playdough could be used as mortar allowing for new ways to build.  Our Wee Friends were able to use their creative problem solving skills to form an idea and then use their fine motor skills to bring that idea to fruition!  These kinds of open ended problem solving play opportunities create mind-body connections fostering meaningful learning. These activities also help children build confidence in problem solving and critical thinking through trial and error.  There is no wrong answer or time limit, just open exploration!



Please enjoy some more pictures from our day as kids practice writing, work cooperatively and explore ideas through play!



PREK2:  During group today we read the story “The Way I Feel”.  We talked about the different ways the character in the book felt.  We talked as a group about what we could do if someone was feeling sad, frustrated, angry or scared.  We came up with ideas and made a class list of what we thought of.


Breakfast– Kix and fresh strawberries.

Lunch– Brown rice with shredded turkey, fresh apples/banana/clementines/strawberries, and fresh pepper/cucumber.

PM snack– Trail mix with sunflower/pumpkin seeds, granola and raisins.

Wee Sprout– Fresh pepper/cucumber.

Have a great night!

-Wee Friends Teachers

Link to pictures:2024-10-03