Good Afternoon!
There has been quite the sustained interest in building three dimensional projects with recycled material! A few kids tend to check the art center materials bin every morning to see if there are any new building materials in it! Today friends used carboard pieces to make rockets, binoculars and airplanes. When the materials ran out and others were still hoping to make more, we turned to tongue depressors and popsicle sticks. We got more airplanes, some ships and a picture frame! With the amount of building going on, we could use more materials.
If anyone has any TP or paper towel rolls, paper egg cartons, or any other interesting carboard shapes that might arrive as packing material, please send it in so it can become a creative building project!
Our creative builders used loose parts at the round table to build playgrounds, houses, barns, traps and slides for animals. What great creative problem solving and critical thinking skills this group is developing!
The kids became aware that their bodies needed to move, so we simply added a little structure to support the need to move in new ways. Teachers set up sensory squares and circles to hop around the building rug! Everyone had a wonderful time!
PREK2: Today we read the story “Thank You Earth” which talks about all of the beautiful things the earth offers. We thought of all the different things we notice when we are outside and made a class list. The PREK2 journal group has continued to think of all sorts of creative ideas to journal about!
Breakfast– Overnight oatmeal with cinnamon and fresh oranges/strawberries.
Lunch– Farm fresh scrambled eggs with whole wheat flatbread, fresh strawberries/cantaloupe, and fresh pepper/cucumber/broccoli.
PM snack– Air-popped corn with raisins
Wee Sprout– Fresh cucumber/broccoli/pepper.
Have a lovely night.
-Wee Friends Teachers
Link to pictures: 2024-11-13