Good Afternoon!
We continued with the theme of community helpers today for our PREK1 sign in. Each child came up to the board where they chose a card that had some sort of vehicle written on it. They had to match their vehicle to the community helper that uses that vehicle!
Social Studies: K.2.1 Give examples of people who are community helpers (inside the classroom and outside the classroom) and describe how they help us.
Yesterday during a sorting activity, many of our kids were particularly interested in using the tiny colored puff balls, so today we tried using them in other ways. We used them to create patterns on bords of different shapes. We also added them to a variety of collage materials. The kids spent the morning using the puff balls in different ways.
The kids have been interested in using q-tips as an art material lately. Since they tried painting with them, we have experimented with what else we can use to paint with. Today we tried feather painting. Many of us noticed that the feathers made different marks than the paint brush. The more children experiment with combining a wide variety of materials in different ways, the more ways the brain builds to connect and express a child’s ideas!
PREK2: Today we talked about “community helpers” during group time. We thought about some we are familiar with and had a group discussion about what we remembered about them. When we talked about doctors, almost every hand went up to tell a story about going to the doctor. Some of the things kids shared were: “I went to the doctor when I had a cough”, “I got shots in my leg and got a pretty Band-Aid”, and “I got a sticker at the doctor”’. At the end of group time, we drew a card that described something a doctor, a construction worker, or a fire fighter did. We put our card under the right community helper on the board.
Breakfast– Overnight oatmeal with cinnamon and fresh blueberries.
Lunch– Farm fresh scrambled eggs with whole wheat English muffins/flatbread, fresh pineapple/apples/oranges, and fresh broccoli/carrots/pepper/cucumber.
PM snack– Hummus with tortilla chips .
Wee Sprout– Fresh pepper/carrot/cucumber.
Have a wonderful night.
-Wee Friends Teachers
Link to pictures: 2025-01-08