Good Afternoon!
PREK1 kiddos came to the sign in board where we worked with punctuation marks. We’ve been reading books this week during group that highlight the use all of three punctuation marks. Each group member chose a sentence strip. We read it and looked at the ending punctuation mark. They identified the mark and sorted it into the correct punctuation group! We loved pointing out the punctuation marks we noticed in the book at group today.
K.W.6.2b: Punctuation—Recognizing and naming end punctuation.
This morning we tried sorting plants and animals into categories at our welcome activity. One side of the table was set up for sorting and the other offered trays for imaginative play. The kids did well sorting into categories. The only item they got hung up on was a sea shell. This one seemed difficult to categorize. We spent some time looking at pictures of snails and mussels which live inside shells so we could understand what the animal looks like beyond the shell.
There were several projects going on this morning as kids followed their own learning paths. Hannah worked on making bracelets in the art center. As she worked, she practiced the things she has been learning about. She practiced pattern making, pointing out that she had made a pattern with blue and white beads. She also worked on early spelling as she searched for letter beads to add names on her bracelets.
Arthur and Ryan started their own project using recycled materials to build a track for cars. They used tape to put the pieces together creating a track with tunnels and inclines. The two worked together to carry the large project to the building rug to test it with toy cars. They were quite pleased with the outcome! As the partners worked, they practiced collaboration, creative problem solving and critical thinking. They brought an idea to reality and then tested its functionality. What an amazing learning experience!
PREK2: During group today, we read a book called “A Slugs Life” and a book called “Snails” from the science area. During the activity sorting plants and animals this morning, there were some questions about where the sea shell belonged. After the story, we each drew two cards and categorized them as a plant or an animal.
Breakfast– Overnight oatmeal with cinnamon and fresh blueberries.
Lunch– Farm fresh scrambled eggs with whole wheat tortilla, fresh pears/watermelon, and fresh cucumber/carrots.
PM snack– Air popped popcorn with butter and raisins.
Wee Sprout– Fresh cucumber/pepper/carrots.
Have a lovely night.
-Wee Friends Teachers
Link to pictures:2025-03-12