WF, 3/6/2025

Good Afternoon!

PREK1 children came up the sign in board where they identified their name along with their unique pattern. They said their pattern aloud and then had to complete the pattern by adding a specific colored shape on the line at the end.

K.CA.5: Create, extend, and give an appropriate rule for simple repeating and growing patterns with numbers and shapes.


This morning we explored an open ended welcome activity that was designed to encourage pattern making and one-to-one correspondence. 


Our younger kids journaled this week about a variety of experiences that matter to them.  Dax and Arthur each had their own take on creating a fire station.  Arthur said his had a ladder, a garage for the trucks and a bell.  Dax shared that his was filled with fire hoses!  Amelia made a picture of herself with Mommy Smile.


We applied our exploration of color this week in the art center.  We tried mixing our own colors and creating a painting with them.  Paige made a painting of a flower with “every kind of purple”!


Breakfast– Corn Chex with fresh cantaloupe/pineapple.

Lunch– Brown rice with shredded chicken, fresh banana/oranges, and fresh cucumber/carrots.

PM snack– Granola, pumpkin seeds, and raisins.

Wee Sprout– Fresh cucumber/carrot/pepper.

Have a great evening!

-Wee Friends Teachers

Link to pictures: 2025-03-06

WWF, 3/6/2025

Good afternoon!

We started off our morning by exploring the color square pyramid, listening to books in our plastic blocks and engaging with our activity table.


We then headed to the kitchen for a loose parts activity. Our friends used the tongs, spoons or our hands to pick up the pom poms and dominoes to then transfer into the bowl or cup. A few friends held the dominoes up to their ears and used their imaginative play skills to pretend that it was a phone.


Miss Bekah brought out a tunnel for our friends to explore. We took turns crawling through the tunnel and then went over to the Habi-trail area where the TinyTurf step-and-slide was.


Breakfast: Whole grain Kix cereal with fresh blueberries and clementine oranges.

Lunch: Whole grain brown rice with red beans, fresh mini sweet red peppers and red pear.

Afternoon Snack: Whole grain wheat Ritz crackers with peanut butter and 1/2 of a mozzarella cheese stick.

Wee Sprout: Cucumber.

Have a beautiful evening!

WWF Teachers

Link to pictures: 2025-03-06

WWF, 3/5/2025

Happy Wednesday!

We began our morning tapping rhythm sticks while marching to the songs,  Ant Go Marching and a T-Rex song.


We then headed into the kitchen to paint with dot markers on coffee filters. These beautiful masterpieces will be decorating our windows!


We then made our way back into the classroom to read books as a friend had requested. We pulled out plastic blocks or a BounceBlock for us to sit in. We enjoyed listening to some of our favorite and familiar books!


Breakfast:  Overnight oatmeal with cinnamon/sugar mixture and bananas.

Lunch: Farm-fresh scrambled eggs with shredded Colby-jack cheese, whole grain wheat English muffins, cooked broccoli and fresh cantaloupe slices.

Afternoon Snack:  Refried beans with shredded mozzarella cheese and white corn tortilla chips.

Wee Sprout:  Mini sweet peppers.

Have a wonderful evening!

WWF Teachers

Link to pictures: 2025-03-05

WF, 3/5/2025

Good Afternoon!

Our PREK1 sign in asked us to complete an AABBCCAABBCC pattern today. Children took their time trying to figure out what colored heart came next in the pattern.

K.CA.5: Create, extend, and give an appropriate rule for simple repeating and growing patterns with numbers and shapes.


We continued exploring color this morning using primary colored water to mix.  Friends used squeeze bottles filled with the three primary colors to experiment with making secondary colors and their hues.  Hannah discovered that she could add yellow to one side of a long tray filled with blue and watch it slowly fade from yellow to lime green to green to turquoise as it slowly mixed.  It became a great visual representation of how the color changes as it mixes.


PREK2: Today during group we talked about patterns.  We made a pattern with our hands patting and clapping.  After we read our story “The Napping House” we came up to the board and circled the pattern next to our name.


Breakfast– Overnight oatmeal with cinnamon and fresh pineapple.

Lunch– Farm fresh scrambled eggs with whole wheat tortilla, fresh pineapple/cantaloupe/banana, and fresh cucumber/snap peas.

PM snack– Hummus and tortilla chips.

Wee Sprout– Fresh cucumber/snap peas.

Have a lovely night.

-Wee Friends Teachers

Link to pictures: 2025-03-05

WWF, 3/4/2025

Happy Tuesday!

This morning we brought down our sensory tubes.  The friends enjoyed looking at the different items inside of them and tipping the tube so the items moved from one side to the other and we could here the different sounds each item made.


We then headed into the kitchen to engage in the moon sand sensory table.  We were all busy scooping with a variety of different sized scoops and pouring it into another cup or scoop or back into the table.


Breakfast:  Whole grain Quaker Oatmeal Squares-Brown Sugar cereal and fresh cantaloupe slices.

Lunch:  Peanut butter on whole grain wheat tortillas, fresh apple slices, cooked butternut squash and Colby-jack cheese slices.

Afternoon Snack:  Whole grain wheat cinnamon raisin bagel with cream cheese and fresh blueberries.

Wee Sprout:  Cucumber.

Have a terrific evening!

WWF Teachers

Link to pictures:  2025-03-04

WF, 3/4/2025

Good Afternoon!

The conversation revolving around primary colors and mixing of colors was prominent today which guided our PREK1 group activity for today. We read, ‘Nibbles Colors’ and afterwards, we used a few of our older friends to build knowledge of primary and secondary colors. They explored a playdough mixing activity this morning so their color knowledge was fresh! We worked with primary paint dotter and used two primary colors to make a new secondary color. Our older friends shared their knowledge from the playdough experience earlier today.

K.W.5: With support, build understanding of a topic using various sources. (Identify relevant pictures, charts, grade-appropriate texts, personal experiences, or people as sources)


This morning there was a discussion about mixing colors.  We decided to create a color mixing activity with play dough to expand upon it.  We tried mixing primary play dough colors to make secondary colors.  Katherine asked later where primary colors come from since you can’t make them by mixing other colors together.  We talked about how primary colors come from the earth.  They are made of minerals that are used to make primary paint colors.  We love fostering this natural and authentic way of learning about the world through contemplation and asking questions. 


We explored ice during our welcome activity as we have been talking about making comparisons between opposites like hot and cold.  We had a small group discussion about what words we would use to describe the ice.  Of course we thought of cold right away, but we also came up with wet, slippery, smooth, white and hard after some further thought.



PREK2: We read the story “Mouse Paint” during group today as we had been talking about colors.  The book talked about mixing primary colors to make secondary colors.  After the story, we picked a secondary color out of the bowl.  Then, we placed it under the primary color combination it belonged to on the board.


Breakfast– Puffins cereal with fresh blueberries.

Lunch– Peanut butter on whole wheat bread/flatbread, fresh pineapple/cantaloupe/oranges, and fresh cucumber/snap peas.

PM snack– Whole wheat bagel with cream cheese.

Wee Sprout– Fresh cucumber/snap peas.

Have a wonderful night.

-Wee Friends Teachers

Link to pictures: 2025-03-04

WWF, 3/3/2025

Good Afternoon!

This morning several of us began our day by climbing on the habi-trail.


We then listened to Miss Tina read teacher books to us while sitting in a BouceBlock or a plastic block.


We then headed into the kitchen to engage with playdough.  We chose tools we wanted to use from the basket.  The friends were using shape cutters to make the different cut outs, using a hammer to pound it flat, a roller to spread the dough out onto their tray and using the end of their rolling pin to make circles in their dough.


We then headed outside to get some fresh air and play.  We were busy scooping sand in the sandbox with our shovels, sliding down the slide and working on our balance skills walking on the balance beams.


Cece enjoyed playing with the toys on her activity table, reaching to feel the texture of the sheep card on her tummy and rolling off her mat to the circle table.


Breakfast:  Whole grain wheat bread toast with butter and cinnamon/sugar mixture and fresh mandarin oranges.

Lunch:  Whole grain wheat penne pasta with red beans, fresh cantaloupe slices and cooked green beans.

Afternoon Snack:  Whole milk yogurt and fresh strawberries/blueberries.

Wee Sprout:  Mini sweet red peppers.

Have a great evening!

WWF Teachers

Link to pictures: 2025-03-03

WF, 3/3/2025

Good Afternoon!

PREK1 group worked with a simple ABCABC pattern for sign in this morning. They used color and shape to determine what comes next in the shape pattern.

Later on in PREK1 group, we read ‘Pete’s A Pizza’ which led into our group activity. We talked about how graphs and charts help display information in an easy way so we took a poll on our favorite pizza toppings! It’s easy to see that we are a ‘cheese’ group, with a little mushroom sprinkled in Smile.

K.CA.5: Create, extend, and give an appropriate rule for simple repeating and growing patterns with numbers and shapes.

K.W.5: With support, build understanding of a topic using various sources. (Identify relevant pictures, charts, grade-appropriate texts, personal experiences, or people as sources)



We explored patterns at our welcome activity this morning. Several kids looked at the pattern in the book and were able to use it in a new way…filling the counting tray with the color pattern in ascending unfix bars.  This is great to see these kids understanding pattern enough to be creative with expressing it. 


The art center produced a wide range of ideas this morning!  Several kids used drawing books to learn new ways of drawing animals.  Others created three dimensional creations from wands, to paper outfits to “potato chip makers”.  Others wanted to further explore drip painting so we offered those materials to work with as well.   


PREK2: In group today we read “Kindness Starts with Me”.  It talked about doing things for others that you would want done to you.  At the end of the story, we thought of something we could do for other people at home or at school to show kindness.


Breakfast– Whole wheat toast with butter and fresh oranges.

Lunch– Whole wheat pasta with shredded pork, fresh cantaloupe/strawberries, and fresh snap peas/pepper/cucumber.

PM snack– Whole milk yogurt with granola.

Wee Sprout– Fresh pepper/snap peas/cucumber.

Have a lovely night!

-Wee Friends Teachers

Link to pictures: 2025-03-03

WWF, 2/28/2025

Happy last day of February!

Cece was playing with her pom-pom bottle and then scooted herself backwards under the circle table in housekeeping.


We then headed into the kitchen to engage in water play with pom-poms  We used measuring cups and bowls to scoop up the water. Some of us placed the pom-poms into the ice cube trays with our hands or tongs, and squeezed the water out with our hands.


We made our way back to classroom to engage with a variety of our favorite activities. We put pictures up on our felt board, explored plastic bugs at the table and played with the peek-a-blocks and wooden cars in the front.


Breakfast:  Whole grain brown rice cakes with peanut butter and fresh apple slices.

Lunch: Ham lunchmeat and cream cheese roll-ups, whole grain wheat bread, fresh blueberries and mini red sweet peppers.

Afternoon Snack:  Goldfish crackers and mozzarella cheese stick.

Wee Sprout:  Mini sweet peppers.

Have a great weekend!

WWF Teachers

Link to pictures: 2025-02-28

WF, 2/28/2025

Good Afternoon!

There were several friends who made boats out of their trailer projects as their imaginative play evolved yesterday…so being a child lead learning program, today we offered a boat building project.  Friends used tin foil to create a boat and then tested it on the water to see if it worked.  Some friends were happy with how their boats floated right away.  They added some bears to the boats and enjoyed watching them float.  Some friends chose to try a few different ideas, heading back to the drawing board for a re-do or two.  Some who found their boat kept sinking, changed course and decided to make it into a submarine.  All of these solutions were born of trial/error and creative problem solving!



After the boat project, some kids got interested in making puppets with some paper bags that a friend had brought to share at the art center.  After they created their characters, many of the kids put on puppet shows for an interested audience!



We ended the week by enjoying some outside time this morning! We were even able to get the balance bikes out—we are itching for spring to get here!



Breakfast– Brown rice cakes with peanut butter and fresh pineapple.

Lunch– Ham and cream cheese rollups, whole wheat flatbread, fresh pears/blueberries/pineapple/clementines/banana, and fresh cucumber/carrot.

PM snack– Pretzels and block cheddar cheese.

Wee Sprout– Fresh cucumber/pepper/carrot.

Have a great weekend!

-Wee Friends Teachers

Link to pictures: 2025-02-28