WWF, 3/28/2024

Happy Thursday and Pajama Day!

Enjoy some pictures from our day!


Breakfast: Whole grain Kix cereal with fresh pear.

Lunch: Whole grain brown rice with shredded chicken, pineapple slices, and carrots.

Afternoon Snack: Pepitas with sweet potato crackers.

Wee Sprout: Mini Sweet Peppers.

Have a wonderful Easter weekend!

Tina and Rebekah

Link to pictures: 2024-03-28

WF 3/28/2024

Good Afternoon!

To close out our week, PREK1 kiddos came to sign in where they worked with three word families: –ig, –in, and –ip word families. For every word, they had to find the missing first letter using their knowledge of rhyming words as well as letter sounds. There were a few words that they were unsure of the meaning or even the word such as wig and pin which allowed us to add words to our vocabulary! Throughout the activity, younger peers came up to watch and even though they may not be developmentally ready for a word family activity, they were soaking up all of the conversations about words and letters which is such a benefit in our multi-age classroom.

K.RF.3.5: Add, delete, or substitute sounds to change words.




After we read, ‘The Spotty Pig’ in PREK1 group, we worked with math problems that have the total of 10. Each equation was missing the second number. Each child picked one notecard that had a number on it. We used our fingers to find the answer. For example, the first equation started with a 3 so we put three fingers up. We looked to see how many fingers were ‘hiding’ and it ended up being 7! When we figured out the answer, the child who had that number came to the board to fill in the answer.

K.CA.4: Find the number that makes 10 when added to the given number for any number from 1 to 9 (e.g. by using objects or drawings), and record the answer with a drawing or an equation.



Here are some pictures from the art table the last few days! There’s nothing better than lovely spring colors!



Breakfast: Kix cereal with fresh blueberries.

Lunch: Brown rice with shredded turkey, fresh pineapple/pears, and fresh pepper/cucumber/tomatoes.

PM Snack: Seedy trail mix made with pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, peanuts and raisins.

Wee Sprouts: Fresh peppers and cucumbers.

Have a wonderful holiday weekend!  See you on Monday!

~Wee Friends Teachers

Link to Photos: 2024-03-28

WWF, 3/27/2024

Happy Wednesday!

This morning we brought out the waffle blocks for building.  The friends were busy connecting them together.  With the help of Miss Tina, you will find a big square built by a few friends in the picture link.


When it was our turn, we headed into the kitchen to engage in the loose parts activity with a spoon or tongs, to use to pick up the dominos or pom-poms and a wooden bowl or cup to place them into if we chose.


We also pulled out our sheer curtain for us to use as a sensory and gross motor activity.  We enjoyed walking and looking at our friends through it.


Breakfast:  Overnight Oatmeal with cinnamon/sugar mixture and fresh blue berries.

Lunch:  Farm fresh scrambled eggs, fresh cantaloupe/pineapple, broccoli and whole grain wheat bread.

Afternoon Snack:  Blue corn tortilla chips and hummus.

Wee Sprouts:  Red bell peppers.

Have a wonderful evening!

Rebekah and Tina

Link to pictures: 2024-03-27

WF 3/27/2024

Good Afternoon!  We were busy this morning with a variety of activities!  We enjoyed a student led yoga class on the building rug.  There was an Easter egg hunt in the housekeeping area which took a lot of team work to make happen!  In the art center several friends created painted eggs with a tape/paint technique.  It was a productive morning at Wee Friends!


Breakfast: Overnight Whole Grain Oatmeal and

Lunch: Baked farm eggs with cheddar, melon and bananas, and cucumbers

Wee Sprouts: fresh peppers and cucumbers

Link to photos:  2024-03-27

Enjoy the rest of the afternoon!

~Wee Friends Teachers

WWF, 3/26/2024

Good rainy afternoon!

This morning our friends made music with pianos and xylophones. We all took turns with both instruments.


We also marched around the front of the classroom with our rhythm sticks. We also had the option of playing with the sensory tubes that resemble rain sticks. We tilted the tubes from one side to the other and watched as the items inside moved.


We made our way to the kitchen to make some art with dot markers. We used a variety of colors to stamp all over our papers. Eliza made long streaks with her markers and Ms.Tina noted that it resembled a rainbow!


Breakfast: Whole grain Corn Chex cereal with fresh oranges.

Lunch: Whole grain wheat tortilla with peanut butter, Colby-jack block cheese, corn, and  fresh  pear slices.

Afternoon Snack: Whole grain wheat bagel with cream cheese and fresh apple slices.

Wee Sprout: Mini sweet bell peppers.

Have a wonderful evening!

Tina and Rebekah

Link to pictures: 2024-03-26

WF, 3/26/2024

Good Afternoon!

***We will have a pajama day on Thursday to kick off the long holiday weekend!______________________________________________________________

Each PREK1 group member had the opportunity to come sign in this morning where they were asked to find their name and figure out the missing number in their sequence. Once they were able to figure out the missing number, they wrote the number in the blank space. If they were sure how to write the number, I dotted the number so they could connect the dots.

K.NS.3: Find the number that is one more or one less than any whole number up to 20.


We read ‘Hop On Pop’ in PREK1 group today which was a great introduction into word families. We stopped a few times in the story to try and figure out what word came next by using our knowledge of letter sounds. Afterwards, we looked at two specific word families: the –at word family and the –ag word family. Each group member got to come up to the board and find the letter that completed their word.

K.RF.3.5: Add, delete, or substitute sounds to change words.



Creativity continued with an interest in making houses. William, Adrian and Ryan made bug homes using boxes at the art center. They came with an array of amenities including a beach, a forest all inside the house. The three played with their bug houses using plastic bugs, though they expressed disappointment that they couldn’t put the real rolly pollys in the houses to play with Smile.


Nesta had a great idea for an experiment.  She wanted to try freezing soapy water to see if the bubbles would freeze too.  We tried it overnight and it worked!  There were frozen bubbles!Nesta was thrilled with the success of her experiment!


Breakfast– Puffins cereal with fresh blueberries.

Lunch– Peanut butter on whole wheat tortilla, fresh pineapple/clementines/pears, and fresh cucumber/pepper/carrot.

PM snack– Whole wheat bagel with cream cheese.

Wee Sprout– Fresh pepper/cucumber/carrot.

Have a lovely night!

-Wee Friends Teachers

Link to pictures: 2024-03-26

WF 03/25/2024

Happy Monday!

William and Adrian created  the class project this morning.  The second fly of spring was found in the classroom and there was a class wide effort to catch it!  William and Adrian started by trying several different trap ideas, relying on trial and error.  The first two attempts proved unsuccessful, so William had an idea to try a box.  He and Adrian drew windows on it so that it would look like an inviting house for a fly.  They tried baiting the trap with an orange left over from breakfast.  It was a valent attempt, though the close proximity the kids kept to the fly trap box… likely detoured the insect:)  Hannah and Nesta had a different trap idea.  They tried making paper traps on sticks to catch the fly in mid air!  It was great to see such hard work and innovation coming from our Pre-K kids!



We enjoyed experimenting with bubbles in the sensory bin this morning.  Everyone was excited to use a whisk or spoon to aerate the soapy water to create more bubbles!


Breakfast: Whole wheat English Muffin with fresh orange slices

Lunch: Whole wheat pasta with fresh tomatoes, basil and black beans, Fresh clementine/cantaloupe and fresh peppers/cucumbers

PM Snack: Whole milk yogurt with granola

Wee Sprouts: fresh carrots and peppers

Enjoy the rest of the afternoon!

~Wee Friends Teachers

Link to Photos:2024-03-25

WWF, 3/25/2024

Happy Monday!

Today we were busy, building, reading, rocking, sliding and watching during our play this morning.  Enjoy the pictures from inside play.


We then headed outside to scoop and dump the sand into a truck or back into the sandbox, sit on the dump truck to drive it, care for a baby doll, and go for a walk with some of the pre-school class friends around the yard.


Breakfast:  Whole grain with bread toast with butter spread/cinnamon sugar mixture and fresh apple slices.

Lunch:  Whole grain penne pasta with marinara and black beans, fresh orange bell peppers and oranges.

Afternoon Snack: Whole milk yogurt and fresh blue berries.

Wee Sprouts:  Red bell peppers.

Have a marvelous evening!

Rebekah and Tina

Link to pictures: 2024-03-25

WWF, 3/22/2024

Happy Friday!  Enjoy the many pictures from our day!


Breakfast:  Whole grain brown rice cakes with peanut butter and fresh pineapple/cantaloupe.

Lunch:  Turkey lunch meat with whole grain wheat bread, bananas/fresh pineapple and sweet potatoes.

Afternoon Snack:  Pretzels and Colby-jack cheese slices.

Wee Sprouts:  Mini sweet bell peppers.

Link to pictures: 2024-03-22

WF, 3/21/2024

Good Afternoon!

For PREK1 sign in, children came to the sign in board where they found an array of stars; three rows of five stars. Instead of counting each star, they either counted by 5’s to get the answer or added 5 three times. These seem like the same thing but if children can’t count by 5’s yet, it’s easier to lay out 5 + 5 + 5 to get the answer!

Later on during journal time, children drew very detailed and unique drawings in their journal. Hannah is getting a big kid shot tomorrow which is causing her to be a little worried. Her journal was a great place for her to share her thoughts about her upcoming shot. We talked about it while she drew about it and later wrote her description.


Our Pre-k group has been very interested in first and last names over the past week.  To help support that interest, we created a first/last name matching game.  We covered the round table with colored cards containing every classmates first and last name.  The goal was to work together to match everyone’s first name with their last name and lay them out in order on the floor chart.  Each five year old got a class list to help them sort.  They did an amazing job working as a team and were able to get everyone’s first and last name paired correctly!  It was great fun!  Several interested younger friends got a chance to explore the cards after the five year old’s were finished.  Some were able to pick out their own name. 



During Pre-K 2 group, we recreated a version of the matching game that was developmentally appropriate for our group members. All of the younger kids matched their name sticker with their first name written on the board.


Breakfast– Kix with fresh cantaloupe/banana.

Lunch– Brown rice with shredded turkey, fresh pineapple/banana, and fresh pepper/cucumber.

PM snack– Blue corn tortilla chips with homemade guacamole.

Wee Sprout– Fresh cucumber/pepper.

Have a great night!

-Wee Friends Teachers

Link to pictures: 2024-03-21