WWF, 3/14/2024

Good afternoon!

Our friends danced to a variety of bean bag songs with their bean bags. We listened to “Beanbag Boogie” and followed along to where it told us to place our bean bags.


Happy Pi Day! In honor of Pi Day, Miss Bekah brought over some wooden apple pie sets for our friends. We worked on cutting the pie into four equal parts. We also explored the different parts of the pie such as the crust and the filling.


One of our favorite rainy day activities is sitting on the reading steps and listening to books. Miss Bekah read several books to our friends.


Breakfast: Whole grain Chex cereal with fresh mandarin oranges.

Lunch: Whole grain brown rice with shredded turkey, red bell pepper, and fresh bananas.

Afternoon Snack: Pepita seeds with sweet potato crackers.

Wee Sprout: Cucumber.

Have a wonderful evening!

Tina and Rebekah

Link to pictures: 2023-03-14

WF, 3/13/2024

Good Afternoon!

Yesterday in PREK1 group, we played a sorting game with weather patterns. We used seven weather category boards including cloudy, rainy, stormy, sunny as well as a few others. William and Adrian saw it on the island this morning and immediately asked if they could play the game again. They used the science area and spread the boards out so they had enough space. They filled up the boards with the correct tiles two times! There were a few tiles that caused them to stop and think because it could easily go in two boards such as cloudy or foggy. They got so excited about sorting weather pictures!

K.RV.2.2: Identify and sort pictures of objects into categories (e.g. colors, shapes, opposites).









Breakfast– Whole grain oatmeal with cinnamon and fresh watermelon.

Lunch– Farm fresh scrambled eggs with whole wheat tortilla, fresh pineapple/watermelon, and fresh green beans/carrots.

PM snack– Air popped popcorn with butter and raisins.

Wee Sprout– Fresh pepper/carrot/green beans.

Have a wonderful night.

-Wee Friends Teachers

Link to pictures: 2024-03-13

WWF, 3/13/2024

Happy Sunny Wednesday!

This morning we began cooking delicious food to eat in the housekeeping kitchen.


We also were interacting with another friend during our play.  We talked to each other, rocked in the rocking chair together, built with hollow wood blocks to sit on and looked out the bridge door, waiting for Miss Bekah to return.


We also were shown our art work displayed in clear cylinder containers for us to see during our play.  We can use them to build with, but today, the friends decided they were great drums to play.


We then headed outside to enjoy the beautiful weather while engaging in our favorite activities.


Breakfast:  Overnight Oatmeal with cinnamon/sugar mixture and bananas.

Lunch:  Farm fresh scrambled eggs, fresh cucumbers, watermelon and whole grain wheat flatbread.

Afternoon Snack:  Refried beans and blue corn tortilla chips.

Wee Sprouts:  Orange/Red sweeet mini bell peppers.

Have a wonderful evening!

Rebekah and Tina

Link to pictures: 2024-03-13

WWF, 3/12/2024

Good afternoon!

This morning, our friends played with baby dolls, rocked in the rocking chair, or built with blocks.


We then made our way to the kitchen to engage with a loose parts activity that included wooden people, circles and rings. They stacked rings on top of their wooden people or placed their people on top of the wooden circles. 


We went outside to enjoy the nice weather! Our friends rode bikes, played in the sandbox, and drew on the chalkboard with chalk.


Breakfast: Whole grain Kix cereal with fresh mandarin oranges.

Lunch: Peanut Butter on whole grain wheat tortilla, red bell peppers, fresh pear slices and 1/2 mozzarella cheese stick.

Afternoon Snack: Whole grain wheat bagel with cream cheese and apple slices.

Wee Sprout: Cucumbers.

Have a beautiful evening and enjoy the weather!

Tina and Rebekah

Link to pictures: 2024-03-12

WF, 3/11/2024

Good Afternoon!

We celebrated Katherine’s 4th birthday today! Thank you for the yummy birthday treat! We hope you had a fantastic birthday!


Children quickly gathered at the circle table where they explored loose parts. Dominos and colorful bears were placed on the table with a bowl on each tray. Activities such as this one where there’s a collection of loose parts made available and no “rules” offer children an opportunity to use their imagination.

One child decided to place the dominos in a large square and placed on teddy bear on each domino, authentically working on one to one correspondence.



Before we headed outside, Miss Tami clipped some fresh herbs from our aero-garden that we have set up in the kitchen. A collection of basil and dill wafted through our classroom. William sat down with the herbs at the circle table as children came up, requesting to smell them. It made our classroom smell so lovely! Later on in the day, green onions were offered as a topping to our pasta!


We were able to soak up some sunshine this morning even though it was a bit chilly. By the time we went inside for lunch, it was nice out! A few children asked if they could get the wooden blocks out of the shed. They worked together to create various ramps for their cars and trucks.



Breakfast– Whole wheat english muffins with butter and fresh clementines.

Lunch– Whole wheat pasta with red beans (offered green onions as garnish), fresh apples/strawberries, and fresh carrots.

PM snack– Katherine’s birthday pancakes with fresh raspberries.

Wee Sprout– Fresh carrots/pepper.

Have a lovely night!

-Wee Friends Teachers

Link to pictures: 2024-03-11

WWF, 3/11/2024

Good Afternoon!

Reminder:  Wee Friends will be closed for Good Friday on March 29th.  Thank you.

This morning Dax and Eliza began by crawling under the habi-trail to lay on the tiny turf mat and slide.  Many friends then headed over to the housekeeping area to look through the color viewer pyramid blocks to look outside with the color they chose.  Eden climbed up on the reading step to look at a book.


We then headed into the kitchen to engage with the wooden shape loose parts and animals.  We added some of our bigger animals to our play as well.  The friends were exploring the different pieces with their hands.  Ben found he could place 2 of his animal’s legs into his circle block.  Several friends decided to join in and see if their animal’s legs fit in their circle blocks as well.


We then headed outside to enjoy the sunshine and some fresh air.  The majority of us were engaged in the sandbox with our favorites: pushing the dump truck or sitting out it and digging with shovels to fill our containers.  Dax enjoyed building with the Outlast blocks and driving his small construction vehicle on them.


Breakfast:  Whole grain wheat bread toasted with butter spread and fresh pear slices.

Lunch:  Whole grain wheat penne pasta with shredded turkey, fresh cucumber slices and strawberries.

Afternoon Snack:  Whole milk yogurt and apple slices.

Wee Sprouts:  Orange bell peppers.

Have a great evening!

Rebekah and Tina

Link to pictures:  2024-03-11

WF 03/08/2024

Happy Friday! 

***Reminder: Wee Friends is closed on Friday, March 29th for Good Friday.

We hope you enjoy the pictures!



Breakfast:  Brown rice cakes with peanut butter and fresh clementines.

Lunch: Hummus on whole wheat bread/flatbread, fresh pears/clementines, and fresh carrot/pepper.

PM Snack: Pretzels and sliced cheese.

Wee Sprouts: Bell peppers and carrots slices.

Have a great weekend!

~Wee Friends Teachers

Link to Photos: 2024-03-08

WWF, 3/8/2024

Happy Friday! 

This morning we engaged with the wooden people.  We were busy exploring them.  Some of them were dressed normally and some were dressed up like where they work so we talked about the different occupations.


We then headed into the kitchen to draw in our journal binders.  Today we taped 3 markers together so we drew a rainbow of colors all at once on our papers.


Since it was raining outside, we brought down the sensory tubes for us to enjoy.  We enjoyed exploring the different sounds of the objects inside of each of them.  We also enjoyed shaking our shakers as some of them are soft sounding, like the rain.


Breakfast:  Whole grain brown rice cakes with peanut butter and fresh oranges.

Lunch:  Hummus, whole grain wheat bread, fresh pear slices and corn.

Afternoon Snack:  Pretzels and colby-jack cheese slices.

Wee Sprouts:  Orange bell peppers.

Have a great weekend!

Rebekah and Tina

Link to pictures: 2024-03-08

WF, 3/7/2024

Good Afternoon!

This morning the interest in making large collaborative drawings was still strong!  We got out our biggest paper roll and rolled out big sheets of it on the floor.  Several groups of friends worked on drawings together.  We had mountains, crayon factories, rain storms, castles, sunsets…even a large pit with a game store at the bottom! Imaginations flew free!


Some of our preschoolers have been finding “rolly polly” bug outside and have been extremely interested in them.  Today we researched how to care for these fascinating little creatures and and created a habitat for rolly polly bugs in our science center!  We are all excited! We spent our outdoor time combing the yard and found several to add to our new habitat.


Breakfast– Puffins cereal with fresh clementines.

Lunch– Brown rice with shredded turkey, fresh apples/clementines, and fresh carrots/pepper.

PM snack– Crackers with peanut butter and seeds on top (peanuts, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds).

Wee Sprout– Fresh carrots/pepper.

Have a lovely night.

-Wee Friends Teachers

Link to pictures: 2024-03-07

WWF, 3/7/2024

Good afternoon!

This morning we gathered at the front of the classroom to engage with instruments. Our friends made music with drums, shakers, pianos, and bells. We also followed along to the “Shake Your Sillies Out” song with our shakers.


We then made our way to the kitchen to play with playdough. We used a variety of tools like rolling pins, cookie cutters, and plastic egg halves. Our friends pretended to make foods like “mango,” “pizza,” and “hot dogs” with the play dough.


We used plastic and cardboard tubes to interact with wooden rings and beads. We practiced threading beads and rings through the long plastic tube.


We went outside to play in the sandbox, push cars down ramps, and to practice our balancing skills on the balance beams.


Breakfast: Whole grain Cheerios with fresh pears.

Lunch: Whole grain brown rice with black beans, avocado slices, and red bell peppers.

Afternoon Snack: Peanut butter on whole grain Wheat Thins crackers.

Wee Sprout: Cucumbers.

Have a beautiful evening!

Tina and Rebekah

Link to pictures: 2024-03-07