Happy Monday!
Throughout the week, we’ll dive into places in our community as well as parts of our classroom! We love talking about community helpers so for PREK1 sign in, children each chose a note card with a specific community helper on it. They taped it under the place in our community where you would find that helper. William drew the card ‘grocer’ so he taped it under ‘grocery store’. This led to a big discussion about what grocery stores everyone shops at. A few of the most popular stores that our friends shop at (or so it seems!) are Trader Joes, “the Whole Foods”, and Martins.
Social Studies: K.3.3 Locate and describe places in the school and community.

This morning we continued water exploration with a water displacement activity. We started with a cup of water then added stones and watched the water rise until it got to 2 cups. It was quite popular to try to get the water to overflow. Responding to this interest we tried using a syringe to measure how many milliliters of water spilled out.
Katherine got particularly interested in the 10 ml syringe. She decided to fill a cup that I pointed out was 200 ml but marked in 10 ml increments. Perfect for Katherines syringe! She shared that she could fill the cup in 10 ml increments and watch as the water rose exactly one dash mark. We got to practice counting by tens and we got to talk about different ways to measure volume all in one activity!

Outdoors the older kids were happy to have the whole group back since they play together so much! They said they were playing a “game of love”. Hannah made sure she explained that even though they were play a game, there were in love for real.

In PREK2 we read the story “All Are Welcome Here”. In the curriculum, we are talking about places in the school and in the community. We drew an approximate a map of our Wee Friends space on the board, and everyone picked their favorite place to spend time in the classroom.

Paige found a slug today and watched as it made a trail. She also found a firefly in the garden. What a day to study the smallest parts of our garden ecosystem!

Breakfast– Whole wheat toast with peanut butter and fresh oranges.
Lunch– Whole wheat noodles with shredded turkey, fresh apples/pineapple, and fresh carrots/pepper.
PM snack– Whole milk yogurt with graham crackers.
Wee Sprout– Fresh cucumber/pepper/carrot.
Have a lovely night!
-Wee Friends Teachers
Link to pictures: 2024-06-03