Good Afternoon!
To kick off our week, we dove into calendars: what’s in a calendar, why do we use it, and the intricate things that make up a calendar. For PREK1 sign in, children had to determine how many days are in a week. A few kiddos went into the science area to look at the calendar we use for group. They counted the number of days in a given week and figured out that the answer was 7!
Later on in PREK1 group, we read ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. Throughout the story, children helped me complete each page by saying aloud the day of the week that the caterpillar was on.
Everyday before we go journal, we complete our calendar activity which consists of the mat guard (helper for the week) crossing off the current day and saying the date aloud as a group. For example, today children said, “Today is Monday, May 29th 2024.”.
Social Studies: K.1.5 Explain that calendars are used to represent days of the week and months of the year.

Katherine has been creating little ephemeral works of art using natural objects when outside recently. It seemed like everyone might enjoy expanding on the idea of nature based artwork with found objects if we added some paper and glue. Quite a few friends worked on making artwork with objects they could find. The kids found a wide range of materials from sticks, to leaves to seeds and flowers. Nesta had an interesting idea to use a clover leaf to make a heart and surround the heart with tiny butter cups!

Everyone enjoyed some water play in the shade during the heat of the day! As the kids explored all of the outdoor activities I was reminded of something I read about early childhood and sensory over the weekend, “When children explore through thier senses, their brains create new connections as well as strengthen existing ones”. It is especially rewarding to provide these experiences for children knowing what is going on inside their developing brains.

In PREK2 we read “All The World” We talked about what we saw in the book that reminded us of things we can do in the summer. We talked about the “hot” summer months, June, July and August. We talked about events or activities that happen during those months and then picked what we thought would be our favorite summer month.

Breakfast– Whole wheat english muffins with butter and fresh clementines.
Lunch– Whole wheat pasta with black beans/shredded cheese, fresh cantaloupe/pears, and fresh carrots/snap peas/cucumber.
PM snack– Whole milk yogurt with graham crackers.
Wee Sprout– Fresh snap peas/cucumber/pepper.
Have a lovely night!
-Wee Friends Teachers
Link to pictures: 2024-05-20