Happy Friday!
We wrapped up our week talking about plants and animals by working together to create a picture, full of both things! Each PREK1 member came to the sign in board where they got to choose which they would like to draw. Most friends chose to draw some sort of flower, even demonstrating the understanding of leaves and roots. Katherine chose to draw a dog!

While we were visiting the farm earlier this week, we ran across a collection of bird nests. A few of us stopped to talk about the nests and how they were made. Several were made with mud, sticks and grass materials. So today we recreated that idea, giving our friends a chance to try making their own bird nests using similar materials. We talked about how some birds build their nests out of stones so we also provided that possibility. Everyone enjoyed building the nests and then engaging in imaginary play with their creations and friends at the table.

In the art center friends investigated some Audubon books about animals and plants. Some chose to make books of their own. Hannah Made a book that she wanted to title “Fish Book”. Inside the book she made pictures of birds, a Canada goose, an octopus and a giraffe. It seemed like a great read to me….full of twists and surprises!

William and Paige made books as well. William created a book called “Caterpillar”. He specified that this book was a picture book all about one caterpillar…so the grammar in his title was spot on. Paige made a book about Butterflies and Caterpillars telling the story of their metamorphosis.

Arthur pretended to be “A Table” today

Breakfast– Brown rice cakes with cream cheese and banana.
Lunch- Peanut butter sandwich on whole wheat tortilla, fresh clementines/banana, and fresh cucumber/pepper.
PM snack– Pretzels and string cheese.
Wee Sprout– Fresh broccoli/pepper/cucumber.
Have a wonderful weekend.

-Wee Friends Teachers
Link to pictures: 2024-04-19