Good Afternoon!
To close out our week, PREK1 kiddos came to sign in where they worked with three word families: –ig, –in, and –ip word families. For every word, they had to find the missing first letter using their knowledge of rhyming words as well as letter sounds. There were a few words that they were unsure of the meaning or even the word such as wig and pin which allowed us to add words to our vocabulary! Throughout the activity, younger peers came up to watch and even though they may not be developmentally ready for a word family activity, they were soaking up all of the conversations about words and letters which is such a benefit in our multi-age classroom.
K.RF.3.5: Add, delete, or substitute sounds to change words.

After we read, ‘The Spotty Pig’ in PREK1 group, we worked with math problems that have the total of 10. Each equation was missing the second number. Each child picked one notecard that had a number on it. We used our fingers to find the answer. For example, the first equation started with a 3 so we put three fingers up. We looked to see how many fingers were ‘hiding’ and it ended up being 7! When we figured out the answer, the child who had that number came to the board to fill in the answer.
K.CA.4: Find the number that makes 10 when added to the given number for any number from 1 to 9 (e.g. by using objects or drawings), and record the answer with a drawing or an equation.

Here are some pictures from the art table the last few days! There’s nothing better than lovely spring colors!

Breakfast: Kix cereal with fresh blueberries.
Lunch: Brown rice with shredded turkey, fresh pineapple/pears, and fresh pepper/cucumber/tomatoes.
PM Snack: Seedy trail mix made with pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, peanuts and raisins.
Wee Sprouts: Fresh peppers and cucumbers.
Have a wonderful holiday weekend! See you on Monday!
~Wee Friends Teachers
Link to Photos: 2024-03-28