Good Afternoon!
For PREK1 sign in, children came to the sign in board where they found an array of stars; three rows of five stars. Instead of counting each star, they either counted by 5’s to get the answer or added 5 three times. These seem like the same thing but if children can’t count by 5’s yet, it’s easier to lay out 5 + 5 + 5 to get the answer!
Later on during journal time, children drew very detailed and unique drawings in their journal. Hannah is getting a big kid shot tomorrow which is causing her to be a little worried. Her journal was a great place for her to share her thoughts about her upcoming shot. We talked about it while she drew about it and later wrote her description.

Our Pre-k group has been very interested in first and last names over the past week. To help support that interest, we created a first/last name matching game. We covered the round table with colored cards containing every classmates first and last name. The goal was to work together to match everyone’s first name with their last name and lay them out in order on the floor chart. Each five year old got a class list to help them sort. They did an amazing job working as a team and were able to get everyone’s first and last name paired correctly! It was great fun! Several interested younger friends got a chance to explore the cards after the five year old’s were finished. Some were able to pick out their own name.

During Pre-K 2 group, we recreated a version of the matching game that was developmentally appropriate for our group members. All of the younger kids matched their name sticker with their first name written on the board.

Breakfast– Kix with fresh cantaloupe/banana.
Lunch– Brown rice with shredded turkey, fresh pineapple/banana, and fresh pepper/cucumber.
PM snack– Blue corn tortilla chips with homemade guacamole.
Wee Sprout– Fresh cucumber/pepper.
Have a great night!
-Wee Friends Teachers
Link to pictures: 2024-03-21