Good afternoon families!
Be sure to PICK UP YOUR CHILD’S HOLIDAY GIFT! They made the entire gift themselves all the way down to the wrapping paper, and cannot wait to give it to you! The gift is inside your child’s art cubby located above the regular cubies.
This morning we explored a magnetic welcome activity. We looked at a couple of different models for building a house with the magnetic tiles in the center of the table which we could try building ourselves if we wanted to. We decorated the magnetic creations with holiday bells. Next we tested our creations with some imaginative play. We could add people and cars to our creations and play as long as we wanted. Several of us were able to add to the basic design expanding the possibilities. There were two and three story houses, garages and even an rocket ship.

In the art center we got to create using collage materials. We used a variety of beads, pipe cleaners and paper shapes to make artwork. Some of us made “name collages”. We wrote our name and a teacher helped carefully trace it with glue. We placed the collage items carefully trying to make our name. Using pieced -together items of different shapes and sizes proved to be a fun and interesting challenge.

PREK2: Today during group time, we read the story “Mouse’s first Christmas”. We listened carefully and tried to remember one thing that mouse saw as he explored the house on Christmas Eve. At the end of the story we recalled what Mouse saw, and our teacher wrote it on the board.

Breakfast: Peanut butter on whole wheat toast with fresh orange slices
Lunch: Whole wheat pasta with beef and fresh apple slices, cucumbers and peppers
PM Snack: Whole milk yogurt with granola and Tello’s birthday treat. Happy Birthday Tello!
Wee Sprouts: Fresh bell peppers and cucumbers
Link to Photos: 2023-12-18
Enjoy the ret of your day!
~Wee Friends Teachers