Happy Monday!
We kicked off our Monday by talking about groups with similarities for PREK1 sign in. There were three four sided shapes and children had to determine which shape (triangle, circle, or rectangle) fit into the group above.
K.RV.2.2: Identify and sort pictures of objects into categories (e.g. colors, shapes, opposites).

Today was an opposite day! We used black and white to talk about opposites. In the art center we made black and white art. We chose black and white objects and tried gluing them on their opposite back grounds, creating interesting and contrasting compositions.

For our welcome activity we tried a “same or different” exercise with black and white. We could choose to put the black and white objects on a black or white back ground. We talked about whether we had chosen the same color back ground or a different color back ground.

We enjoyed recalling our same/different and opposites conversations during play with some black and white beans in the sensory bin.

PREK2: During group time today we passed around a stone and a feather. We talked about the differences between the objects. We noticed that the stone was “heavy and cold” while the feather was “light, soft and warm”. hey were opposites. We read the story ‘The Same But Different’. Lastly, we looked at the board as a class and determined whether all of the paired shapes were the same or different.

Breakfast: Whole wheat toast with butter and fresh apple slices.
Lunch: Whole wheat pasta with marinara and mozzarella cheese, fresh watermelon, and cucumber/carrots.
PM Snack: Whole milk yogurt with granola.
Wee Sprouts: Fresh orange bell peppers.

Link to Photos:2023-10-23
Enjoy the afternoon sunshine!
~Wee Friends Teachers