Good Afternoon!
To kick off our week, PREK1 friends came to the sign in message where they had to choose a word that fit into the group based on likeness. They were given the words orange, pink and purple. The44n, they had to sign under the word that fit into that group. They chose from the words green, finger, and carrot. Friends signed under the word green because like the group of words above, it’s a color!
K.DA.1: Identify, sort, and classify objects by size, number and other attributes. Identify objects that do not belong to a particular group and explain the reasoning used.
In PREK1 group, we started diving into text genres. Today, we focused on the text genre ‘fiction’. After reading, ‘The Day The Crayons Came Home’, we talked about what makes fiction books, fiction! Children started sharing books that they have at home that would be in the fiction genre. Throughout the week, we’ll read a book from each text genre and write it on our chart in the science area.
K.RL.3.1: Recognize familiar narrative text genres (e.g., fiction, nonfiction, fairytales, poems).

PREK2: At group today we read the book “Today I Feel Silly” which reiterates what we are learning about labeling emotions. We chose what emotion we felt today at the end of the story.

In the art center today we made paintings using Large, medium and small sized paint brushes. We named which were large, medium and small as we sat down to paint at our tray. We talked about how the brush strokes were also large medium and small. Many of us preferred the biggest brush! As we sat down to pant we also got to choose between warm and cool color pallets. We talked about what warm and cool colors were, how they made us feel and what images they brought to mind.

In the sensory bin we explored small medium and large as we played in water. Every item came in small medium and large including spoons, funnels, bottles, cups, tongs and eye droppers. We worked on labeling small medium and large as out teacher asked what we had picked to play with.

Breakfast: Whole wheat toast with butter and fresh green apples.
Lunch: Whole wheat pasta with marinara sauce and shredded cheese, fresh watermelon/strawberries, and fresh cucumbers.
PM Snack: Whole milk yogurt with granola.
Wee Sprouts: Fresh green peppers and tomatoes.
Link to Photos: 2023-09-18
Have a wonderful afternoon!
~Wee Friends Teachers