WF 09/15/2023

Happy Friday!  Enjoy the pictures from our day!


Breakfast: Brown rice cakes with peanut butter and banana

Lunch: Turkey on whole wheat bread with fresh cucumbers, carrots and pineapple

PM Snack: Pretzels and Colby Jack cheese

Wee Sprouts: fresh tomatoes from Asher’s garden! and fresh carrots

Link to Photos:2023-09-15

Have a great weekend!

~Wee Friends Teachers

WWF, 9/14/2023

Good afternoon! Enjoy some pictures from our day!


Breakfast: Whole grain Kix cereal with fresh oranges.

Lunch: Whole grain brown rice with shredded pork, pineapple slices, and cucumber.

Afternoon Snack: Hummus with whole grain Wheat Thins crackers.

Have a wonderful evening!

Tina and Rebekah

Link to pictures: 2023-09-14

WF 09/14/2023

Good Afternoon!

PREK1 group sign in focused on the book, ‘Duck In The Truck’. They had to match the author’s words that I gave them to the illustration in the book. Earlier in the week, we started talking about authors and illustrators and what their job entails. Today, we specifically talked about illustration and how the words the author writes should match the illustrations that the illustrator draws/creates.

K.RL.4.1: Describe the relationship between illustrations and the story in which they appear.


PREK2: This week  Today we read the story “Calm Down Cool Down” which teaches about what we can do to help us calm our bodies when we experience difficult emotions.  We talked about what might happen to make us feel difficult emotions and what we could do instead of hitting or pushing.  At the end of the book we made a list of calming techniques that we remembered from the story that might help us calm our bodies.  Some of us recalled what we heard in the story.  If we had trouble remembering we pointed to the pictures of what we might do. Some friends came up with other things they did to calm down like getting a hug from Mom.  If you would like to learn more about out MACK curriculum which focuses on self regulation follow the link 



This morning was a hands on exploration of sunflower science.  Everyone dove into a closer look at the sunflower heads which were full of seeds.  As we explored with magnifying glasses and tweezers,  we noticed the tiny flowers still present of the fresh sunflower surface.  Several friends wondered what they were.  We got to talk about how sunflowers are actually made up of hundreds of tiny flowers.  Each flower gets fertilized by a bee and makes a single seed.  As we looked at how many seeds there were we could see how many flowers the sunflower was actually made of.  William was fully invested in this project for the entire duration of it.  He lead a movement to collect ever single seed and put them into a jar so see how many there were.  We brought out a big measuring pitcher and William backed it full with four cups of seeds from just the largest flower head!  This measuring project may continue tomorrow.  Over and over young children learn best from real things they can see and touch!



Breakfast: Toasted oatmeal squares with fresh pears.

Lunch: Brown rice with shredded pork, fresh cucumbers, and fresh pineapple/bananas.

PM Snack: Whole wheat cracker, peanut butter seed pizzas.

Wee Sprouts: Fresh carrots.

Link to photos:2023-09-14

Have a lovely afternoon!

~Wee Friends Teachers

WWF, 9/13/2023

We experienced some technical difficulties yesterday sending the blog.  Sorry for the inconvenience.

Good Afternoon!

Now that Fall weather is upon us, please make sure your child has a jacket for outside play for the cooler mornings and bring in some long-sleeves and pants for their extra clothes cubbies.  Thank you.

This morning we danced to the Freeze Dance and froze our bodies in a variety of different positions.


Then several friends took turns working on all the sides of the Zany Zoo Activity box.


We then went over to toss the balls in the habi-trail area.  We used our star rainbow mats and put them together for us to sit or stand inside to toss our balls together.  Some of our tosses even made our balls go up onto the habi-trail.


We then headed outside to enjoy some fresh air before the rain came.  Eliza explored a walnut shell, Hannah and another friend engaged with the trucks and Ben and Dax rode together on the teeter totter.


Breakfast:  Overnight Oatmeal with cinnamon/sugar mixture and bananas.

Lunch:  Farm fresh scrambled eggs with shredded cheese, fresh green/red bell pepper slices, fresh pear slices and whole grain wheat bread toast with butter.

Afternoon Snack:  Whole grain flatbread with cream cheese.

Have a wonderful evening!

Rebekah and Tina

Link to pictures:  2023-09-13

WF 09/13/2023

Hello Families! We had a morning of playful exploration and enjoyed the gorgeous weather!

PREK1: We learned what vertices are and worked on identifying how many vertices different shapes have.


PREK2:  In group today we read the story “Ruby Finds a Worry”  The book told how when Ruby ignores the worry it gets bigger but when she talked about it, the worry got smaller and disappeared.  We each thought of things that we worried about and remembered that if we feel worried that it will help to talk to a Mom, Dad, a teacher or friend to help calm our worry. 


During our morning activity we continued to work with shapes.  On the light table we explored the added experience of light and shadow as we build variations of hexagons.  Many of us constructed creative mosaics of shapes, expanding across the light table. 


In the art center we experimented with shape stencils and paint.  We tried combining them in different ways creating our own unique shape paintings.


Breakfast: Oatmeal with cinnamon and bananas

Lunch: Boiled eggs with fresh cantaloupe, orange slices and bell peppers

PM Snack: humus with tortilla chips

Wee Sprouts: Fresh cucumbers

Link to Photos:2023-09-13

Enjoy this beautiful afternoon!

~Wee Friends Teachers

WWF, 9/12/2023

Good Afternoon!

This morning Miss Jena got the dancing scarves down for us to dance with.  We were busy shaking our scarves to  the song, Shake Your Sillies Out.


We then headed outside to enjoy the Fall like weather.  We walked around the circle with the baby dolls, played with the dump truck in the sandbox, went down the slide and explored the sea animals and sea shells at the table.


Eleanor was exploring a stool from under the circle table while Eden was crinkling the soft pages of her book.


Breakfast:  Whole grain Cheerios and fresh pineapple.

Lunch:  Hummus on whole grain wheat tortillas, fresh green bell peppers and fresh strawberries.

Afternoon Snack:  Whole grain wheat bagels with peanut butter and fresh apple slices.

Wee Sprout: Green bell peppers

Have a terrific evening!

Rebekah and Jena

Link to pictures: 2023-09-12

WF 09/12/2023

Good Afternoon! We had a busy morning exploring shape building possibilities, painting and observing our little biology project, tadpole to frog metamorphosis.


PREK2: Today we read the story “I Can Handle It” which gives us tools to deal with difficult situations and difficult emotions.  After the story we each thought of something that we felt was hard for us but we could “handle” anyway.  A couple of friends were too tired for group and chose to lie down right away.


We worked on our Tadpole journals this morning and made observations.  We talked about whether the tadpoles looks the same or different from when we did our last observations.  We talked about how observing means looking closely and thinking about what we are seeing.  We asked questions like “What are the tadpoles doing? What shape are they? What color?  Some of us felt the tadpoles looked the same since they have not grown legs.  Some of us thought they were bigger.  We drew the tadpoles in our journal and recorded our observations.  There were some very interesting observations made like “The tadpole looks like a black balloon!” 



Breakfast: Kicks cereal with fresh watermelon

Lunch: Peanut butter on whole wheat bread with strawberries, orange slices and green peppers

PM snack:whole wheat bagel with cream cheese

Wee Sprouts: fresh carrots

Link to Photos:2023-09-12

Have a great day!

~Wee Friends Teachers

WWF, 9/11/2023

Good Rainy Afternoon!

On this rainy day, we were busy inside.  We enjoyed dressing up in doctor scrubs, building with Magna-Tiles, cutting up our play fruit, looking through a color ring and used our imaginative skills to use a rug to cover up with and snuggle with a horse stuffed animal.


We then headed into the kitchen to paint on the easel with puffy paint.  Puffy paint is shaving cream, glue and paint gently mixed together.  When it dries it will hopefully puff up on our papers.  One friend used red and purple while the other friend painting at the same time used yellow and blue.  We then switched places for our second painting so we could paint with all the colors.


Breakfast:  Whole grain wheat bread toasted with butter and cinnamon/sugar mixture and fresh pear slices.

Lunch:  Whole grain wheat penne pasta with black beans, fresh green pepper slices and watermelon.

Afternoon Snack:  Whole milk yogurt and fresh pineapple.

Have a great evening!

Rebekah and Jena

Link to pictures:  2023-09-11

WF 09/11/2023

Happy Monday!

To start off our week, PREK1 friends came to the sign in board where they found a four sided shape to sign in under.

K.G.2: Compare shapes using informal language to describe their similarities, differences, and parts (e.g., number of sides, length of sides, and vertices).


One of our FAB focuses in PREK1 this week will be authors and illustrators. We will keep a chart in the science area that highlights the books that we read in group as well as the author of the story. We talked about the author and illustrator roles when creating a book.

K.RL.3.2: Define the role of the author and illustrator of a story in telling the story.


PREK2: Today we read “The Color Monster”, a book that helps us to identify our emotions.  After the story we talked about different emotions we feel and when we feel those things.  We recorded on our board what we all said.


This morning at our welcome activity, we got to experience a wonderful child lead evolution of imaginative shape building!  We started out with one shape in a variety of sizes on each mirror tray in order to play with building larger shapes from smaller ones.  As this activity progressed, someone thought their shapes put together looked like a pizza, and wanted to put the smaller shapes on top for toppings.  Suddenly the shape building took on a new level on intrigue for on lookers, who all wanted to make shape pizza!  In order to support the interest we put out some “pizza trays” spatulas and plates.  We talked about the shapes as we put together the pizzas and played.



Breakfast: Whole wheat toast with peanut butter and fresh apple slices.

Lunch: Whole wheat pasta with red beans, fresh watermelon (Adrian’s birthday treat!), and. fresh tomatoes/carrots.

PM snack: Whole milk yogurt with Adrian’s birthday treat: fresh pineapple.

Wee Sprouts: Fresh tomatoes from Asher’s garden and carrots.

Have a wonderful afternoon!

Link to Photos:2023-09-11

~Wee Friends Teachers

WWF, 9/8/2023

Happy Friday!

We began our morning engaged in many activities.  Eliza played with a baby doll in the cube, Dax and Hannah engaged with the play food at the circle table and Eleanor rocked the rocking chair.


We then headed into the kitchen and engaged with playdough.  We used rolling pins to flatten it, a pizza cutter and craft stick to cut it into smaller pieces and shaped cookie cutters to cut it into the shape.  We also were given golf tees to stick into it and Dax pretended his were candles and we sang the Happy Birthday song to Miss Tina since she has a birthday this weekend!


Breakfast:  Whole grain brown rice cakes with cream cheese and bananas.

Lunch:  Hummus on whole grain wheat tortillas, fresh cucumber slices and watermelon.

Afternoon Snack:  Goldfish crackers and mild cheddar/colby jack block cheese.  Tina’s birthday snack:  fresh kiwi, raspberries, strawberries, and blueberries with cream cheese fruit dip.

Have a great weekend!

Rebekah and Tina

Link to pictures:  2023-09-08