WF 09/08/2023

Happy Friday!

PREK1 kiddos came to the sign in board where they worked with shapes, specifically hexagons! They had to pull out the hexagon from the bowl that they were given. Next, they had to find the trapezoids and figure out how many trapezoids made one hexagon. After they figured that out, they had to pull out all of the triangles from their bowl and figure out how many triangles it took to make one hexagon.

K.4.1 Identify and describe geometric objects: circle, triangle, square, rectangle, diamond, trapezoid, hexagon, octagon, parallelogram, sphere, and cube. (2006 standard)


PREK2: Today at group we read the story “Triangle” which is about the two characters “Triangle” and “Square” who interact in the story.  We noticed as we went though the book that everything in triangles home was shaped like a triangle and everything in squares home was shaped like a square.  After the story we chose our favorite character and used a sticky not to place our name under the character we chose.


At our welcome activity this morning we explored spheres and cubes.  We talked about how they are three-dimensional shapes.  We saw how a sphere can roll like a ball and that cubes can be stacked like blocks.  Some friends worked on constructing the cube using six square magnetic tiles. 


In the art center we worked on shape prints.  Older friends used a clip board and shape check list to go around the classroom and hunt for shapes.  They brought the shapes to the art table in a basket and used them to create a shape print. Younger friends chose from classroom objects of different shapes in the middle of the table working on asking for the shapes by name and identifying them correctly before they printed them. 


Breakfast– Brown rice cakes with peanut butter and fresh watermelon.

Lunch– Chicken breast on whole wheat bread, fresh watermelon/banana, and fresh pepper/cucumber.

PM snack– Pretzels and string cheese.

Wee Sprout– Fresh cucumber/pepper.

Have a lovely weekend!

-Wee Friends Teachers

Link to pictures:

WWF, 9/7/2023

Good afternoon!

This morning our friends made music with different instruments. We all got turns to use the pianos, xylophones, and drums. Miss Bekah showed us how tapping on the drum with one finger sounds a lot different than tapping with five fingers.


The babies also joined the class in making music with pianos and drums.


We were finally able to make it outside today with the cooler weather. Our friends engaged in some of their favorite activities like digging in the sandbox, running around the circle path, and exploring different animals at the table.


Breakfast: Whole grain Chex cereal with fresh oranges.

Lunch: Whole grain brown rice with black beans, green apple, and red bell pepper.

Afternoon Snack: Sunflower seeds with Triscuits crackers.

Wee Sprout: Cucumbers.

Have a wonderful evening!

Tina and Rebekah

Link to pictures: 2023-09-07

WF 09/07/23

Good Afternoon!

PREK1 friends started off their Thursday by signing in where they were asked to come up with a rhyming word! There were several words that were written on the sign in paper and they had to pick one word. We read the word together and they had to come up with a word that rhymes (example: hand—band). We wrote the word and then friends wrote their name under the rhyming word pair.


After reading, ‘My Heart Is Like A Zoo’ in PREK1, we looked at our shape chart from yesterday where we taped the shape to the shape word. Today, we focused on the actual physical characteristics of the shapes, specifically the number of sides! I held up one shape at a time and after children identified the shape, they said aloud how many sides the shape has and we correctly sorted it.


PREK2: During group today we read the book “Yoga Bunny” which showed a variety of yoga poses.  We tried the poses ourselves and practiced deep breathing.  We talked about how these slow body movements along with breathwork can help us feel calm.  At the end of the story we practiced finding our name on the board, then picked out our favorite pose from the book.


During our welcome activity this morning, we used a variety of smaller shapes to construct larger shapes.  We set out four trays starting simply with two triangles to construct a square, and moving up to complex shape construction with a variety of possible combinations.  This allowed everyone to work at their own level depending on their age and ability.  It allowed everyone to challenge themselves as far as they wanted.  It also allowed older kids to start simple and work their way up to the difficult puzzles as it helped them feel more confident.


Breakfast- Cheerios with banana.

Lunch- Brown rice with shredded turkey and butter, fresh watermelon, and fresh cucumber/carrots.

PM snack- Nesta’s birthday treat: frozen watermelon and peanuts.

Wee Sprout- Fresh cucumber/cherry tomatoes.

Have a lovely night!

~Wee Friends Teachers

Link to pictures: 2023-09-07

WWF, 9/6/2023

Good Afternoon!

This morning we had one of our mommies bring us in some plastic eye glasses to add to our dress up items.  The friend’s enjoyed trying them on and wearing them.  Thank you, we love them!


Miss Bekah then brought out the waffle blocks from the kitchen for us to put together.  We worked to interlock the pieces together to make long lines.


The babies were busy exploring soft blocks with their hands and shaking and observing what was inside the Peek-a-Blocks today.


Breakfast:  Overnight Oatmeal with cinnamon/sugar mixture and fresh apple slices.

Lunch:  Refried beans and shredded cheese on whole grain wheat flatbread, fresh pears and broccoli.

Afternoon Snack:  Hummus and white corn chips.

Wee Sprouts:  Orange Bell Peppers.

Have a wonderful evening!

Rebekah and Tina

Link to pictures:  2023-09-06

WF 09/06/2023

Happy Wednesday!  It was all about shapes and rhymes today!


PREK2:  We read the book “Bears on Chairs” at group today and talked about rhyming words.  As we went through the book, we stopped and pointed out the words that rhymed, saying them together.  At the end of the story we reviewed all the rhyming words we had heard in the story.


We set up a shape table for our welcome activity this morning.  We had a tray of all circles, one of hexagons and one of squares.  As we played we talked about what shape tray we had.  We counted how many sides and identified everything on our tray that was that shape.


We also explored more shapes in the sensory bin using cookie cutters as well as scoops and bowls of various shapes


Breakfast: Oatmeal with green apple slices

Lunch: Scrambled farm eggs with whole wheat tortilla, fresh carrots and cantaloupe

PM snack: popped corn with raisins

Wee Sprouts: fresh cucumbers and tomatoes

Link to Photos:2023-09-06

Have a lovely day!

~Wee Friends Teachers

WWF, 9/5/2023

Good afternoon!

This morning friends were working on their self-help skills with the dress up clothes, to get dressed independently.  We worked very hard at this skill and asked if we needed a little help from a teacher.


Our babies explored their toys while sitting. They have been working on getting onto their bellies from the sitting position as well.


Breakfast: Whole grain Kix cereal with fresh oranges.

Lunch: Peanut butter on whole wheat tortillas, 1/2 mozzarella cheese stick, peach slices, and cucumbers.

Afternoon Snack: Whole grain wheat bagels with butter and cinnamon/sugar mixture, and fresh apples.

Have a great evening!

Tina and Rebekah

Link to pictures: 2023-09-05

WF 09/05/2023

Happy Tuesday!

One of our focuses in PREK1 group this week is rhyming words. To kick off the week, PREK1 friends signed in and had to find the rhyming word for wall. We read ‘Hop On Pop’ in group which lead us into a conversation about rhyming words. Before children were dismissed to journal, they had to say aloud two words that rhymed!

K.RF.3.1: Identify and produce rhyming words.

PREK2 : Today we learned a shape song defining its two attributes of shape and color.  We read the book “Color Zoo” looking for shapes as we went.  After the story we picked our favorite shape to put up on the board. 


During our welcome activity we worked on building shapes using clothes pins and popsicle sticks.  We tried squares, triangles and rectangles and we practiced counting the sides.  We found we could also make our own creative shapes.  Some friends enjoyed seeing how many different creative shapes they could make, some realized they could make three dimensional shapes by standing the clothe pins up, others made completely different things like airplanes or jets. 


Breakfast: Kix cereal with fresh pears.

Lunch: Peanut butter on whole wheat bread, fresh peaches/pears, and fresh bell peppers/cucumber.

PM Snack: Whole wheat bagels with cream cheese.

Wee Sprouts: Fresh cucumbers.

Link to Photos:2023-09-05

Enjoy the rest of your day!

~Wee Friends Teachers

WF 09/01/2023

Happy Friday!

Enjoy the pictures form our day!



Breakfast: Brown rice cakes with peanut butter and bananas

Lunch: Whole wheat English muffin pizzas with fresh pineapple, pears and peppers

PM Snack: Goldfish crackers with mozzarella cheese

Wee Sprouts: fresh carrots and peppers

Link to photos: 2023-09-01

Have a lovely labor day weekend!

~Wee Friends Teachers

WWF, 9/1/2023

Happy September!

This morning all the friends were engaged with the Peek-a-blocks.  The friends were tapping them together and listening to the sound they were making.  Eleanor was watching them and tapping her blocks together with everyone.


We all were busy on the habi-trial.  Friends were walking down the slide, climbing up the ladder and flipping over the top rung and sitting on the top rung and used our imaginative skills to turn it into a train and a bus.


We moved the babies to the front area to play while the older friends were on the habi-trail.  They both were engaged in many activities; exploring animals, Magna-Tiles, colored beads and the airplane.


We then headed outside to engage in many activities on another gorgeous day.


Breakfast:  Whole grain brown rice cakes with peanut butter and bananas.

Lunch:  Oven Roasted Turkey lunchmeat on whole grain wheat bread,  fresh carrot chips/cooked carrots and fresh pineapple slices.

Afternoon Snack:  Pretzel sticks, mild cheddar block cheese and bananas.

Wee Sprouts:  Cucumbers.

Have a great Labor Day weekend!  See you Tuesday.

Rebekah and Tina

Link to pictures:  2023-09-01

WF 08/31/2023

Good Afternoon!

PREK1 group came to the sign in board this morning where they drew a card from the bottom that had a picture diagram on it. They had to count the number of items in the diagram and match it to the number on the board. Not only did this allow them to work on their one to one correspondence skills but also their number identification up to ten.

K.NS.5: Count up to 20 objects arranged in a line, a rectangular array, or a circle. Count up to 10 objects in a scattered configuration.


PREK2: Today we read the story “My Heart is like a Zoo”.  Afterward, we each took turns naming our favorite animal from the story.


We enjoyed a close up look at the tadpoles today in a white observation tray where we could see them very well.  We were able to make more observations noticing more colors and even spots on the tadpoles.  We noticed they swam in circles around the edges.  Someone said that frogs eat bugs.  We got a chance to talk about how the tadpoles are different from their parents in many ways…in how they look, breath and what they eat.  We learned that tadpoles eat algae.  We learned that algae is a plant with no stem and no leaves.  We observed algae in the aquarium where the tadpoles live.  Many of us felt that it did not look like a plant that they had seen.  It was something new!


Many of us took on the cheerio stacking challenge.  Younger friends used their fine motor skills to make a stack as tall as they could.  Older friends also counted as high as they could as they stacked.  They looked for the number tiles to represent what number they reached in their tallest stack.  This way, a variety of ages and developmental levels could be met where, to be challenged in different ways by the same activity.


Breakfast: Kix cereal with bananas.

Lunch: Brown rice with shredded beef, fresh cucumbers/peppers and fresh cantaloupe.

PM Snack: Pepita seeds/sunflower seeds and whole wheat crackers.

Wee Sprouts: Fresh peppers and carrots.

Link to photos:2023-08-31

Have a great afternoon!

~Wee Friends Teachers