Good Afternoon!
It’s been a summer full of goodbyes and we added two more today when we said goodbye to Millie and Rowan! They have both been at Wee Friends for several years where they spent time in our infant/toddler classroom before becoming a mainstay in our preschool classroom. We are going to miss you both and can’t wait to hear all about kindergarten!

We’re continuing to explore our FAB for the week. Today, we focused on comparing and contrasting physical characteristics of members in our group, specifically focusing on eye color and hair color. Once we were done graphing the results, we compared the results and talked about which group had the most and least.
We read, ‘Same, Same, but Different’ from our MACK collection. It follows two children who are the same age and become pen-pals. While they have the same things and do the same activities, it looks quite different because they live in different places in the world.
Social Studies: K.3.6 Identify and compare similarities and differences in families, classmates, neighbors and neighborhoods, and ethnic and cultural groups.

Since we are talking about families this week, we explored block build homes for block families during our welcome activity. We found the adults and children we wanted to use to create a family and then chose blocks to build a place for the family to live.

It was a finger painting day at in the art center! Several of our friends have shown a lot of interest in touching the paint and feeling it on their hands. So today everyone who wanted to have their hands in paint chose two primary colors to put on their tray. They were able to touch, smear, and swirl the paint as long as they wanted to, enjoying the sensory experience and experimenting with the beautiful ways they could pull the paint into lines and shapes, watching it fade from two primary colors into one secondary color. When they were finished or had made some interesting designs they wanted to capture, we pressed paper over the top and pulled a mono print of their work.

Breakfast: Toasted oatmeal squares with fresh cantaloupe.
Lunch: Peanut butter sandwiches on whole wheat bread with fresh pineapple/pears and fresh cucumbers/carrots.
PM Snack: Rowan’s goodbye treat: fruit popsicles and string cheese.
Wee Sprout: Fresh cucumber/carrots.
Have a great night!
-Wee Friends Teachers
Link to Photos:2023-08-15