WWF, 7/31/2023

Happy Monday and last day of July!

This morning Eleanor sat and engaged in feeling the textures of several of her toys with her hands.  Dax and Eliza engaged with items from housekeeping, dressing up and playing with the play food and dishes and setting everything up on the circle table.  They then chose a book from the bookshelf to engaged in independently.


We then headed into the kitchen to engage in some sensory play with shaving cream with Miss Tina.  We enjoyed the feel of the shaving cream as we rubbed it in our hands.


Miss Bekah then brought down the sheer curtains for us to walk through.  We also played peek-a-boo with them.


We then headed outside to enjoy the beautiful day!  We engaged in some water and sand play in the sandbox scooping the mud from our buckets and riding on the dump truck.


Breakfast:  Whole grain wheat bread toast with peanut butter and fresh cantaloupe.

Lunch:  Homemade whole grain wheat elbow macaroni and cheese, fresh cantaloupe and peas.

Afternoon Snack:  Whole milk yogurt and graham crackers.

Wee Sprouts:  Red bell peppers.

Have a marvelous evening!

Rebekah and Tina

Link to pictures:  2023-07-31

WF 7/28/2023

Happy Friday!

We enjoyed mixing red and blue playdough to make purple this morning during all of the rainy weather!  We had purple lolly- pops, blueberry and strawberry bread, a giant marshmallow to roast over the fire and copious amounts of purple spaghetti.  We even had a pinch pot style owl!  So many creative ideas floating around the art center!


Millie has a big helper mixing our dry playdough ingredients!  Also a special thanks to Millie for being such a helpful older friend for all of our new young friends learning about the classroom!



We said goodbye to Imogen and her family as she moves on to her new school!  She and her family will be missed!


Breakfast: Brown rice cakes with peanut butter, fresh  bananas and fresh pears

Lunch: Bean and cheese tortillas with watermelon, fresh zucchini and cucumbers

PM Snack: Pretzels and mozzarella cheese

Wee Sprouts: fresh cucumbers and bell peppers

Link to Photos:2023-07-28

Have a wonderful weekend!

~Wee Friends Teachers

WWF, 7/28/2023

Happy Friday!

Enjoy the pictures from our day!


Breakfast:  Whole grain brown rice cakes with peanut butter and fresh bananas.

Lunch:  Hummus on whole grain wheat tortillas, fresh banana and yellow bell peppers.

Afternoon Snack:  Pretzels and mozzarella cheese stick.

Wee Sprouts:  Carrot chips.

Have a great weekend!

Rebekah and Jena

Link to pictures:  https://1drv.ms/f/s!AtTCDmdhjIull4tZVHbZOpFnm-QqAw

WF, 7/27/2023

Good Afternoon!

We had a full morning inside! Kids quickly scattered throughout the environment, becoming engaged in activities such as trio blocks and pretend play in the housekeeping area. We are seeing a shift in our classroom (as we do most summers!) as we lose several older friends to big kid school and welcoming many younger friends into the Wee Friends community! We are getting to know our new friends and their parents. Our seasoned Wee Friender’s are doing a fantastic job at welcoming their new peers into the classroom.

I was strolling through the Teacher Tom blog and found this humorous but short blog about a conversation Teacher Tom had with a student. It made me laugh because it’s one of our favorite things to do: have off the wall conversations with children because you truly don’t know what they’re going to say!





Breakfast- Whole grain cheerios with fresh strawberries.

Lunch- Brown rice with shredded beef and butter, fresh pears/banana, and fresh cucumber/carrots.

PM snack- Imogen’s homemade treat to celebrate her last day tomorrow: vegan strawberry muffins with string cheese.

Wee Sprout- Fresh pepper/cucumber/carrot.

Have a lovely night!

-Wee Friends Teachers

Link to pictures: 2023-07-23

WWF, 7/27/2023

Good afternoon!

This morning, we played with plastic rings, sat in a plastic block while singing “Row, Row, Row Your Boat,” danced with colorful scarves, and looked at our reflection in the mirror.


We then made our way to the kitchen with Miss Bekah to engage in the sensory table. We practiced our scooping and pouring skills with a variety of tools.


We then headed outside and participated in water play. We also drew with markers and crayons under the shade to cool off.


Breakfast: Whole grain Chex cereal with fresh pear.

Lunch: Whole grain brown rice with shredded beef, pineapple slices, and yellow bell pepper.

Afternoon Snack: Whole grain Wheat Thins crackers with peanut butter.

Wee Sprout: Cucumbers.

Have a wonderful evening!

Tina and Rebekah

Link to pictures: 2023-07-27

WWF, 7/26/2023

Good Afternoon!  Enjoy the pictures from our day.


Breakfast:  Overnight oatmeal with cinnamon/sugar mixture and fresh pineapple.

Lunch:  Farm fresh scrambled eggs with shredded cheddar cheese, fresh cucumbers, watermelon and whole grain wheat flatbread.

Afternoon Snack:  Whole grain Ritz crackers and refried beans.

Wee Sprouts:  Red bell peppers.

Have a wonderful evening!

Rebekah and Tina

Link to pictures: 2023-07-26

WF 07/25/2023

Good Afternoon!

Enjoy some pictures from our day!

IMG_3766 IMG_3767IMG_3765


Breakfast: Kix cereal and fresh bananas.

Lunch: Peanut butter sandwiches on whole wheat bread, fresh watermelon, fresh green/red/yellow peppers and carrots.

Snack: Whole grain bagel with butter and cinnamon mixture and fresh pear slices.

Wee Sprouts: Fresh green/yellow/red peppers and carrots.

Have a great night!

-Wee Friends Teachers

Link to pictures: 2023-07-25

WWF, 7/25/2023

Good afternoon!

This morning, Eden and Eleanor sat next to each other with their baby toys. We enjoyed listening to Miss Bekah read books to us on the reading steps. Dax and Eliza enjoyed rocking back and forth on the rainbow mats.


Our friend Dax gifted our class a bubble wand. We were so excited for Miss Bekah to make bubbles and we had so much fun chasing and popping them.


We also enjoyed scooping in the sandbox, pushing and pulling trucks in the circle area, playing in the housekeeping area, and riding on the teeter totter.


Breakfast: Whole grain Kix cereal with fresh pineapple.

Lunch: Whole grain wheat tortilla with peanut butter, fresh pear slices, carrot chips and 1/2 mozzarella cheese stick.

Afternoon Snack: Whole grain wheat bagels with cream cheese and watermelon.

Wee Sprout: Cucumbers.

Have a terrific evening!

Tina and Rebekah

Link to pictures:  2023-07-25

WF 07/24/2023

Welcome to Wee Friends Arthur and Amelia! We enjoyed spending our first day with you both in our class! 

Our new friends enjoyed exploring what our classroom had to offer.  They tried painting, play dough, sand building, block building and learning how to slide down the habitrail pole.  Arthurs favorite activity was building race tracks and balance beams. Amelia particularly enjoyed painting with water color in the art center!


Outside our older friends showed our younger friends how to pick beans and peas carefully holding the bottom and pulling with the other hand to protect our fragile plants!  We are quickly learning to be expert gardeners identifying all of the different plants!  Everyone was especially excited about the pink and purple striped heirloom tomatoes that were ripe this morning!


Have a wonderful afternoon!


Breakfast: Whole wheat English muffins with peanut butter and watermelon

Lunch: whole wheat pasta with marinara sauce and cheese, fresh pineapple and cucumbers

PM snack: whole milk yogurt with granola

Wee Sprouts: fresh carrots and lots of garden peas and green beans

Link to photos:2023-07-24

~Wee Friends Teachers

WWF, 7/24/2023

Good Afternoon!

This morning we engaged in many different activities in the classroom.  Friends were making food at the circle table, engaged with a ball on our play mat, playing peek-a-boo through the fish tank, building with wood blocks and building with shape train cars and the driving the airplane with Little People on the carpet.


We then headed outside to beat heat and enjoy some fresh air.  Emily walked around with her sister, Eliza engaged with the trucks and Ben and Dax engaged with the construction trucks in the rock area.


We then sat and enjoyed eating fresh vegetables from the garden.


Breakfast: Whole wheat bread with buttery spread and fresh oranges.

Lunch: Whole wheat elbow pasta with shredded beef, pineapple, and cucumbers.

Afternoon Snack:  Whole milk yogurt and graham crackers.

Wee Sprouts:  Cucumbers.

Have a great evening!

Rebekah and Tina

Link to pictures:  2023-07-24