It was a delicious morning of picking and eating from the garden! We harvested a large radish and enjoyed the opportunity to taste it! Most of us felt the flavor of the radish was too strong for our taste, but there were a few friends who asked for more! The favorite garden veggies were the yellow and green pea pods! Many friends helped to harvest them in the garden. We talked about how to carefully hold the pod at the base and snap it off. We looked at how the pea plant holds its self up with its small tendrils and how to be careful not to pull it down. Everyone was very mindful of the plants…everyone wanted the plants to keep making pea pods! We ate a full bowl of pods straight off the vine! So nutritious!

Indoors this morning it was all about playing school! Several friends took turns playing teacher and reading to their friends while recalling story lines and story sequence. As the school make- believe continued, many friends happily practiced spelling and writing letters. What an educational make believe game! This was a great example of play based learning, child driven and teacher supported.

In the art center several wee friends worked on collaborative paintings. We put up a large paper which covered the entire easel. Sets of partners worked together making large paintings and finding the joy in team made artwork.

In the science center a few friends began a bridge making project using magnetic connectors. As the bridge grew, we decided to measure it. Of course this was great motivation for making it even longer. At its maximum length, the bridge spanned the entire science area and measure 72 inches or 6 feet. Everyone involved enjoyed using the tape measure and finding the length of the bridge!

Breakfast: Whole wheat toast with butter and fresh apples.
Lunch: Whole wheat pasta with turkey and butter, fresh peppers, and fresh strawberries/pineapple.
PM snack: Whole milk yogurt with graham crackers.
Wee Sprouts: Fresh carrots and garden pea pods.
Have a lovely Monday afternoon!
~Wee Friends Teachers
Link to photos:2023-06-24