Happy Monday!
We began our morning engaged in a variety of activities. Arthur and Eliza played music instruments making beautiful sounds, Eleanor, Emily and Paige looked at books, Ben climbed up on a wooden block to sit at the ballet bar and look in the mirrors and Dax dressed up by adding a tie and cape to his outfit.

Today is Miss Bekah’s birthday so we brought up the birthday cake stacker. We all helped each other stack the cake and then tumble it after it was complete. Even Eleanor joined in!

We then headed into the kitchen to engage with playdough. We were busy flattening and cutting it with a variety of rolling and cutting tools. We also added golf tees to use as candles to make birthday cakes for Miss Bekah and sing to her.

We then headed outside to enjoy the weather. Eleanor sat in the bouncer to play with the toys on it, Arthur, Emily, Eliza and Paige enjoyed painting with a paint brush with the watercolors or exploring them with our fingers and Dax engaged in riding bikes down the hill.

Breakfast: Whole grain English muffin with peanut butter and fresh oranges.
Lunch: Whole wheat Penne pasta with shredded turkey, fresh apple slices, and green bell pepper.
Afternoon Snack: Whole milk yogurt with fresh strawberries (Miss Bekah’s birthday treat).
Wee Sprout: Green bell pepper.
Have a marvelous evening!
Rebekah and Tina
Link to pictures: 2023-06-19