WWF, 6/7/2023

Good Afternoon!

This morning we went into the kitchen to make pictures with dot markers.  The friends used a variety of colors to create their colorful masterpieces.  Each friend made multiple pictures.


We then headed outside to enjoy the beautiful weather after our drawing and a wee sprout snack.  Eliza engaged in carrying the baby dolls as she walked around the yard, Emily walked around holding hands with her sister, Maggie, Eleanor was full of smiles as she played with her basket of toys on the blanket, Ben rode a bike and Arthur and Paige drew pictures with markers at the art table.


Breakfast: Overnight oatmeal with cinnamon/sugar mixture and fresh strawberries.

Lunch: Farm fresh scrambled eggs with shredded cheese, peanut butter on whole grain English muffins, watermelon slices, and butternut squash.

Afternoon Snack: Whole grain wheat tortillas with cream cheese.

Wee Sprout: Cucumbers.

Have a wonderful evening!

Rebekah and Tina

Link to pictures: 2023-06-07

WF, 6/6/2023

The art center was transformed into a bag making center today!  Yesterday Hannah made a beautiful purse in the art center using just tape, paper and markers.  Maggie who was watching, wanted to make one too.  Hannah was happy to show her how she made it and Maggie was over joyed with hers when finished!  This morning Maggie came in to school ready to make a Purse for her sister and set to it right away.  When Daniel and Bo saw this project going on, they modified the idea into a back pack project.  Both boys were excited to work on the back packs together and through trial and error, arrived at a good design!  It was such a wonderful child created and lead project learning about creative design, teaching and working together!


Congratulations Adrian on writing your name for the first time at school all by yourself!


We all enjoyed loose parts natural materials this morning for our imaginative play welcome activity!


Breakfast- Whole grain cheerios with fresh pears.

Lunch- Peanut butter on whole wheat bread/tortilla, fresh cantaloupe/strawberries, sliced cheddar cheese, and fresh cherry tomatoes/cucumber.

PM snack- Whole wheat bagel with cream cheese.

Wee Sprout- Fresh carrots.

Have a great night.

-Wee Friends Teachers

Link to pictures: 2023-06-06

WWF, 6/6/2023

Good afternoon!

This morning we participated in different activities.  Arthur and Emily were busy making a very intricate building out of Magna-tiles. Eliza and Ben shared the rocking chair. Dax was very concentrated with using the waffle blocks to build. Paige enjoyed exploring the different kinds of plastic bugs we have. Eleanor shared lots of smiles with us while sitting up and playing with her sensory book.


It was a beautiful morning so we made our way outside. Eliza and Ben shared their grins while sitting on chairs in the shade. Emily shared a smile too but from inside the playhouse. Dax enjoyed pushing his truck around the circle area. Arthur and his friends used different containers in the sandbox.


Breakfast: Whole grain Chex cereal with apple slices.

Lunch: Refried beans and shredded mild cheddar cheese on whole wheat flatbread, fresh cantaloupe slices, and broccoli.

Afternoon Snack: Whole grain wheat bagel with cream cheese and strawberries.

Wee Sprout: Yellow bell peppers and apple slices.

Have a wonderful evening!

Tina and Jena

Link to pictures: 2023-06-06

WF 05/05/2023

Happy Monday!

This week, our FAB focuses on places within our school and the community. Today, we read, ‘The Invisible Boy’ which focuses on the main character, Brian, and his peer group at school. We talked about the different spaces in their school as well as our school. As children rolled up, they shared one place in our community. Our list ranged from grocery store to roller skating rink to park!

Social Studies: K.3.3 Locate and describe places in the school and community.

Today at small group we read the animal fact book “What do you do with a Tail like That?”  We spent time guessing what kind of animal each animal body part belonged to.  Hannah had a guess that took us by surprise as she answered “Its a Troglobite!”  We spent much of journal time learning about what a Troglobite is and discussing it as a group.  (For anyone wondering, it is an animal that is strictly bound to underground habitats such as caves.)  We found that these animals often have no eyes and no pigment since those features are not needed in the dark.   The question was asked “why don’t those animals need pigment?” and we learned that pigment protects us from the sun so if you are an animal that lives only in dark places you do not need this feature.  The same is true for not needing eyes in total darkness.   It was a very informative journal time and a few journals reflected that with drawings of various Troglobites that we looked at.  This is the definition of” “Child Lead Learning”! 


This morning for our welcome activity we explored shells and beach sand.  Last week when we made our imaginary town map, several friends created beaches in their town, so today we combined some science exploration with beach play.  We investigated a new giant conch shell recently added to our collection.  Several friends were interested in finding out how much sand they could fit inside.  We explored our trays with sifting tools and brushes as well.  Each tray could be transformed into a beach habitat if so desired using a variety of beach dwelling animals.   


In the art center someone had an idea to use the black paper, glue and foam shapes to create abstract art.  The idea spread through the room like wild fire!  Nearly everyone wanted to make one.  We enjoyed looking at each others work and sharing ideas completely independently of any adult coaching or scaffolding!

IMG_1764IMG_1762 (2)IMG_1763

Breakfast– Whole wheat toast with butter and fresh clementines.

Lunch– Whole wheat pasta with marinara sauce and shredded cheese, fresh pears, and fresh cucumber/carrot.

PM snack– Whole milk yogurt with granola.

Wee Sprout– Fresh carrots.

Have a lovely night.

-Wee Friends Teachers

Link to pictures: 2023-06-05

WWF, 6/5/2023

Happy Monday!

This morning we engaged in dancing with our colorful dancing scarves.  Emily asked for the “wiggle your waggles away” song, and Miss Bekah knew exactly which song she meant.  She turned on Shake Your Sillies Out and we danced and acted out the motions to the song.


We then engaged in connecting and driving the train cars either on the carpet or on a track, in imaginative play with the baby dolls and dancing scarves and looking at a book independently on the reading step.


We then headed outside to look for bugs, scoop sand up in a container to fill a bowl, imaginative play with the dinosaurs in the upper sandbox and riding on the teeter totters with a friend.


Breakfast:  Whole grain wheat bread toasted with butter and cinnamon/sugar mixture and fresh apple slices.

Lunch: Whole wheat elbow pasta with red kidney beans, fresh mandarin oranges and corn.

Afternoon Snack:  Whole milk yogurt and graham crackers.

Wee Sprouts:  Cucumbers.

Have a great evening!

Rebekah and Tina

Link to pictures:  2023-06-05

WF 06/02/2023

Happy Friday!

A variety of soups and stews were cooking in the hot sun of the mud kitchen this morning!   Grass became a spaghetti dish and weed leaves became tea leaves making ginger tea as well as chocolate mint…I was honored to be the taste tester, and relieved that it was imaginary tasting for my sakeSmile .


We had some make believe measuring and baking at the round table this morning.  We all enjoyed measuring teaspoons and tablespoons of rice and dry oatmeal into our bowls.  Baking birthday cake has been a play theme among Wee Friends this week so this gave everyone a chance to enjoy the sensory experience of their imagined birthday cake play. 



Adrian was very excited about printing his big leaf this morning.  He exclaimed “Wow!” when he pulled the leaf off of the paper and saw the print it had made.


Breakfast: Peanut butter on brown rice cakes with bananas

Lunch: Ham sandwiches on whole wheat bread with fresh cucumbers and bananas

PM Snack: Colby Jack cheese on whole wheat crackers

Wee Sprouts: Fresh peppers

Have a great weekend!

-Wee Friends Teachers

**We are having technical issues with the photos and being able to make a photo link so we will post the photo links next week! Thank you!

WWF, 6/2/2023

Happy Friday!

This morning we engaged in a variety of puzzles that matched our skill level.  We worked on our hand-eye coordination, fine motor, matching and problem solving skills while working to put them together to completion.


We then headed outside.  We enjoyed water play with rocks and sea animals, watching a roly poly walk on our hand, smiling and covering it up with our hand, drove trucks around the little house and watched to see what was happening outside the gate.


Breakfast:  Whole grain brown rice cakes with peanut butter and fresh pineapple slices.

Lunch:  Turkey lunch meat on whole grain wheat bread, fresh green pepper slices and bananas.

Afternoon Snack:  Mild cheddar block cheese slices and whole grain Goldfish crackers.

Have a great weekend!

Rebekah and Tina

Link to pictures:   https://1drv.ms/f/s!AtTCDmdhjIulluxLy6cvcv4YhnqCNg

WF 06/01/2023

Happy June first!

In K/PREK1 group this week, we’ve been diving into maps and globes so today, we focused on the country China! We read the book, ‘Look What Came From China!’. We learned that several different things came from China including the compass, kite, wheel barrel, chopsticks, and sunglasses! We looked at a map of the world and identified where the United States is as well as where China is located.

Kindergarteners have been talking about maps this week so today the whole class got to participate in making a map of an imaginary town.  We talked about what kinds of places we wanted in our town and what kind of transportation we might use.  We drew streets, sidewalks and train tracks for transportation, so we added people, trains and cars to our board to imagine with.  Someone had an idea to draw a lake and several other friends wanted to do this too.  We realized we could now add boats to our transportation possibilities.  We also added places to go.  There was a beach, neighborhoods, a school, a fire station and several ice cream stands!


Outside we continued working on our process leaf prints, adding layers of darkening greens! 



Breakfast: Chex cereal with fresh watermelon.

Lunch: Brown rice with shredded beef, fresh carrots/snap peas and fresh pineapple/clementines.

PM Snack: Trail mix made with pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, peanuts, raisins and granola.

Wee Sprouts: Fresh carrots and cucumbers.


Have a lovely day!

~Wee Friends Teachers

Link to photos:2023-06-01

WWF, 6/1/2023

Happy first day of June!

We started off our morning with some music. Our friends helped each other bring down the xylophones, pianos, and bells so that everyone could make music.


We then made our way to the kitchen to make some art! Ms. Tina collected some leaves outside and we used them as paintbrushes for different colors. Paige said her painting looked like “a rainbow.” Other friends agreed with Paige and said the same thing.


We went outside early again to enjoy the fresh air before it rained. We enjoyed playing with trucks, water in the tins, and drawing with markers.


Breakfast: Whole grain Cheerios cereal with bananas.

Lunch: Whole grain brown rice with shredded turkey, fresh pineapple slices, and corn.

Afternoon Snack: Peanut butter on whole grain Wheat Thins crackers.

Wee Sprout: Cucumber.

Have a great evening!

Tina and Jena

Link to pictures: 2023-06-01

WF 05/31/2023

Good afternoon Families!

We spent the whole morning outside taking advantage of the cooler weather.  We had lots of time to do all kinds of fun activities while enjoying the fresh air!  We immersed ourselves in natural materials!  Some of us worked on our leaf process print, layering various shades of green leafy impressions.  We collected leaves form our outdoor environment to create our images.  We worked on the first layer painting our leaves with light green and printing them on our paper.  Some of us got really creative adding bark and stone prints.  There was even an insect wing in the mix!


Everyone enjoyed water play! We found many different ways to explore and keep cool!   Some of us made watery terrariums in the shady rock area, adding stacks of stones and animals to our tins and engaging in imaginative play with our friends!


Some of us filled dump trucks and buckets with water and sand in the sand box. 


…and other friends chose to relax  in the shade of our big maple tree making some water color paintings to take home!

Breakfast: Oatmeal with cinnamon and fresh pears

Lunch: Scrambled eggs with whole wheat bread, fresh peppers and watermelon

PM Snack: Popped corn with raisins

Wee Sprouts: Fresh  cucumbers and green beans

Keep cool and have a wonderful day!

Link to Photos:2023-5-31

~Wee Friends Teachers