Happy Monday!
This week, our FAB focuses on places within our school and the community. Today, we read, ‘The Invisible Boy’ which focuses on the main character, Brian, and his peer group at school. We talked about the different spaces in their school as well as our school. As children rolled up, they shared one place in our community. Our list ranged from grocery store to roller skating rink to park!
Social Studies: K.3.3 Locate and describe places in the school and community.
Today at small group we read the animal fact book “What do you do with a Tail like That?” We spent time guessing what kind of animal each animal body part belonged to. Hannah had a guess that took us by surprise as she answered “Its a Troglobite!” We spent much of journal time learning about what a Troglobite is and discussing it as a group. (For anyone wondering, it is an animal that is strictly bound to underground habitats such as caves.) We found that these animals often have no eyes and no pigment since those features are not needed in the dark. The question was asked “why don’t those animals need pigment?” and we learned that pigment protects us from the sun so if you are an animal that lives only in dark places you do not need this feature. The same is true for not needing eyes in total darkness. It was a very informative journal time and a few journals reflected that with drawings of various Troglobites that we looked at. This is the definition of” “Child Lead Learning”!

This morning for our welcome activity we explored shells and beach sand. Last week when we made our imaginary town map, several friends created beaches in their town, so today we combined some science exploration with beach play. We investigated a new giant conch shell recently added to our collection. Several friends were interested in finding out how much sand they could fit inside. We explored our trays with sifting tools and brushes as well. Each tray could be transformed into a beach habitat if so desired using a variety of beach dwelling animals.

In the art center someone had an idea to use the black paper, glue and foam shapes to create abstract art. The idea spread through the room like wild fire! Nearly everyone wanted to make one. We enjoyed looking at each others work and sharing ideas completely independently of any adult coaching or scaffolding!

Breakfast– Whole wheat toast with butter and fresh clementines.
Lunch– Whole wheat pasta with marinara sauce and shredded cheese, fresh pears, and fresh cucumber/carrot.
PM snack– Whole milk yogurt with granola.
Wee Sprout– Fresh carrots.
Have a lovely night.
-Wee Friends Teachers
Link to pictures: 2023-06-05