This week in K/PREK1 group, we’ve been talking about jobs that people have and the tools they need to do those jobs. Monday, we focused on dentists and Tuesday, we focused on construction workers. Today, it was all about firefighters! After we read a story focusing on Firefighters, we talked about tools they need to do their jobs and it was a long list including ladders, truck, water, hose, ax, and gear!
This morning a few friends noticed that the lady bug larvae are entering the pupa stage! The larvae had gathered on the side of their habitat and hung themselves upside down like a caterpillar. Some friends were concerned at first that they were not moving but their worries turned to interest as we talked about metamorphosis and how the larvae would now begin changing, inside the pupa, into adult lady bugs. We talked about how their skin hardens almost like an egg shell as they change. When they emerge it is almost like they are hatching for a second time!

This morning we had several trays out, each with a different set up of loose parts to interact with in imaginative ways! Loose parts can be anything! The outcome of a child’s interaction with them is completely open ended. This type of play fosters creativity in pretend play. The pretend play that is born of loose parts activities is often sustained for long periods of time. Since there are few boundaries with this type of play, it tends to evolve from one thing to another to another…

Breakfast– Whole grain oatmeal with cinnamon and banana.
Lunch– Farm fresh scrambled eggs with whole wheat bread, fresh watermelon, and fresh cucumber/green beans.
PM snack– Air popped popcorn with butter and raisins.
Wee Sprout– Fresh pepper/cucumber.
Have a wonderful night!
-Wee Friends Teachers
Link to pictures: 2023-05-10