WWF Daily Explorations, 8.9.11

 What a beautiful day! We sure took advantage of the cooler temperatures and sunshine!

This morning a group of children worked on our new peg shape board. This was great way to have the children use their fine motor skills to match the shape on the correct pegs. It also helped them to learn various shapes and colors. It was interesting to see some of them parallel played with this, and while others chose to do it individually.

We listened to a song about airplanes. Some of the children worked in the kitchen on painting an airplane. We used an array of paint colors, along with brushes, our fingers, and some scouring pads with handles. Tomorrow we will work on gluing different shapes and textures on it. For those who opted not to paint, Marty read books to the children in054diviually, or in a group.








Our outside time today was spent on our bikes, playing in the sand, observing our garden, and taking a walk in the wagons, and stroller. We saw so many different beautiful flowers, and looked for circles. This group was on the ball! We would stop and observe something, then Finn would tell us, “It is time to move on!” We were lucky enough to see an airplane on our journey! Upon our return to WWF, we read two books outside.


For lunch today, we had some delicious turkey sandwiches on whole wheat buns, corn, and applesauce. We listened to a new airplane song, then settled down with two stories before nap.

A special thank you to Miss Amy for taking the time out of her busy schedule to stop by the library and pick us up some shape and airplane books. She also joined us on our walk today. In addition to Amy, Miss Tami also joined us as well. What a nice treat!

As Friday draws near, Marty’s daughter Bre, who has been helping us all summer, will be returning to her junior year at Mishawaka High School. She has been a real asset to our program, and her love, time, and dedication has not gone unnoticed. We will miss her!

This afternoon we will build another run way using our blocks, as well as having some outdoor exploration time.

Enjoy the afternoon!

WWF Daily Explorations, 8.5.11

A special welcome to the newest member of the WeeWee family, Baby PK who joined us today.

This morning we listened to a CD with an airplane song. This helped us to kick off some discussion on airplanes, as Caelan and Finn seem to have a real interest in this area. The children shared some of their airplane experiences. We talked about how the plane starts on the ground and takes off into the sky. It seemed as though once they began conversing, our discussion broadened bringing more information about how airplanes work and the different uses we give to them. It was so nice to see their dialogue be what is called “child initiated,” as opposed to “teacher directed.” The children learned a new song about airplanes. Our donut shop song continues to be of interest to them. Our circle theme is still being incorporated into this, and is expanding into other shapes as well.

Once outside, Finn asked one of the teachers to draw an airplane on our chalkboard. The children all joined in suggesting we add clouds and the sun. The children used our sand pails to help pick tomatoes out of the garden this morning. This was a lot of fun for them, and they have enjoyed harvesting our crops immensley. Some friends enjoyed singing and swinging on the swing together.


For lunch today we dined on whole wheat pasta with corn and tuna, peas and pineapple. The children have been working on bringing their plates to the trash to help clear them after they are done. They are doing a great job with this.

This afternoon we will make a runway out of our blocks. WWF Airlines is now boarding!

Enjoy the day~

WWF Daily Explorations, Thursday 8-4-11

Great things happening all “around us!”


This morning Miss Lisa did our donut shop color game with the children. They really seem to enjoy it and the children had fun learning their colors at the same time. We also sat in a circle and sang our jumping shoes, and wiggle songs. We listened to the book and CD “We all sing with the same voice.” The children were really into music today, so we did our stop and go song, and the song called “Play your instruments.” We brought out our shakers and maracas. Even our littlest ones were all about keeping the beat today! We also did our fast-slow song, “BINGO,” and the fire truck song.



We ventured outside this morning and enjoyed the cooler weather, yippee!!! We played “I Spy” to find circle objects. We brought out the balls and rolled them, as well as shot some baskets. The little girls all had fun in the small sandbox as we observed all the circle objects in it.



For lunch today we had scrambled eggs with fresh spinach and cheese, whole wheat toast, and apples. The kids really enjoyed it!

Miss Paulina has been out with a sore neck, and we wish her a speedy recovery! She is sure missed!

Make it a great day! Enjoy the beautiful weather!


Lisa, Marty, Paulina and Amy

WWF Daily Explorations, 8.3.11

We started our day with circles, Kix Cereal!

We sang our circle song, and Miss Lisa taught us a new game. It is called, “Going to the donut shop,” We incorprated our circle shape all in different colors. We learn colors and shapes while going to the donut shop. One of the children suggested we pretend we were eating our donuts, and brought each of us a plate. We also played our Curious George matching game. George has balloons in all different colors. The children were great at matching colors on the circle balloons.

For lunch today we had rice, peas and banana. This afternoon, weather permitting, we will have some outside exploration time with a circle themed scavenger hunt.

Have a great Day!!!

Lisa, Marty, Paulina and Amy.

WWF Daily Explorations, 8.2.11


Singing voices and Dancing shoes!!!



A very quiet Tuesday here at WWF since many of our friends still out with fevers. We had a great morning of inside water play, identifying circles, and doing our jumping shoes and in the circle songs! The children sure loved it. We also sang our friendship song.

For lunch today we had chicken, spinach and cheese quesidillas, and fresh fruit. Please join us in welcoming Brittany, an IUSB student who is doing her observation with us. The children really seem to enjoy her.

To help with pick ups, please check your daily sheet for information pertaining to quantities of food, diaper changes, etc. This is often a chaotic time, and the teacher at pick up time may not necessarily readily know that information.

A special thank you to Jason for the morning “pick me up” with him once again playing the guitar for us.

Enjoy the sunshine today!

Lisa, Marty, Paulina and Amy.

WWF Daily Explorations, Thursday 7.28.11

We have had a great morning! Due to the gloomy day, Miss Marty read a lot of stories to the children. The children were outside for a short of time before it started drizzling. We looked at our new picture photo cards from our different activities and friends. The children really enjoyed this! We were so glad to see our old pals, Maite and Jonathan, in some of them as well!

Miss Lisa did a coloring mural with the children while Miss Paulina and some of the other children played with our train tracks and trains.  For lunch today we had scramled eggs with ham and cheese, fresh blueberries and avocado. Here’s a link to listen to our Lunch Song!
This afternoon we will continue to read about dogs (a Sloane favorite), and our cats book. We will also do some singing!

Regards, Lisa, Paulina, Marty and Amy

WWF Daily Explorations, 7.27.11

The three little kittens have lost their mittens…Oh my! We have acted this nursery rhyme out several times this morning with our stuffed kittens. We also read the book again about the robin and its nest.

We played ball this morning. Some of us are great at rolling it, while others are great at throwing it, and catching it as well. Caelan is ready for the baseball mound, he even has his leg in the right position!

Outside, we found two carrots and a cucumber in our garden! Mmmmm…..we cleaned them and cut them up! For lunch today we had brown rice and shredded beef, corn, and bananas. After lunch some of us had shaving cream fun, while others practiced using chopsticks. Please note that the smaller WWF’s do wear bibs at lunch and snack time. A few of them emjoy putting their hands to their mouths, and doing some spitting, all typical for their age! It is best to send them in clothes that you do not mind if they get soiled. This afternoon we will do some music and dancing!
Regards, Lisa, Marty, Amy and Paulina

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WWF Daily Explorations, 7.22.11

It has been a very quiet day at WWF! With so many vacationers, and a little one home sick, it has given us a lot of time to work with the children individually! This morning we spent a great deal of time reading books, playing with our new road puzzle, which Finn turned into train tracks, playing firemen, and some songs.

For lunch we had hummus on whole wheat bagels, corn, and blueberries. Thanks to Miss Paulina for making some homemade hummus. Mmmmm…it was a real treat!

Sloane is our official “blueberry champion,” as she consistently signs for more! We have also been learning to say, “leche” for milk, and continue to work on signing please, and thank you.

We hope everyone has a great weekend, and though we hate to complain about summer, we are hoping it will be a tad bit cooler this next week to enjoy the great outdoors.

Lisa, Marty, Paulina, and Amy

WWF Daily Explorations, Thursday 7.21.11


What a great day!

Yesterday afternoon, Miss Paulina made some sushi for us out of felt. She also invited the children roll their own, which was a lot of fun. We had another sushi party this morning with Finn’s dad joining us! We talked about all of the different types of sushi, the ingredients and we are planning on learning how to use chopsticks.



After that everyone joined in for our firetruck song and dance. We are using plastic rings that invite children to move according to the song’s words and to create their own as well.

Miss Laurie brought us a nest today since she had read in our blog about Finn’s “flower nest” observation a few days ago. The nest even had a little egg in it! We touched it, feeling for different textures, and about how it was made. Miss Lisa read a book about Robins to expand on this theme. Miss Paulina also played and taught us a song about birds in Spanish with her guitar. We then moved on to listening to some soft music as we read books.

Right before lunch we played with our trains. We had a lot of parallel and cooperative playing going on, it was great! For lunch today we ate tuna salad on whole wheat bread with lettuce, corn, and cantaloupe. It was delicious!

Miss Marty is home sick today, we wish her a speedy recovery.

Due once again to the heat index, we will remain indoors this afternoon.

Regards, Lisa, Paulina, Marty and Amy

WWF Daily Explorations, 7.19.11

Another day of heat humidity!

We went outside earlier today to enjoy the sprinkler and bike riding! We played stop and go on our bikes. Finn used his wonderful imagination and spotted a nest which was a flower. We talked about what kind of bird might live in it. Miss Paulina pointed out our beautiful lilacs.





Some children did dot painting, while others did our number pegs and matching boards.

For lunch today we had garden fresh green beans with ham, potatoes and onions, cottage cheese, and pineapple. We then had story time.

We are still experiencing a hectic pick ups at the end of the day. We ask that if you have a question about a particular situation, it would be best to contact one of us after hours, as we are finding it difficult to indulge in extensive conversations at this time. As we are here to make your child’s learning experience a positive one, please do not hesitate to contact via email or phone in the evening.
Please do not take offense if we remind you of this at pick up. Be sure to check your daily sheets for infant feeding times, etc.

Keep cool and enjoy the sunshine!

Regards, Lisa, Marty, Paulina and Amy-

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