WWF Daily Explorations, 7.18.11

Happy Monday to all!

This morning Miss Lisa read, “I’m a little teapot.” After reading it, we acted out the book, then had a pretend tea party. Some of our girls even wore party dresses for this event. We then sang one of our favorites, “We all sing with the same voice,”” and danced to the CD.
After major sunscreen applications, it was time to turn on the beachball sprinkler. Today we incorporated learning colors while doing this. We also acted like flowers, growing as we got wet. This is helping to learn how our harvest grows. Sydney and Sloane watered our flowers today. Some children worked with letter puzzles and tempera painting while inside. Miss Marty offered pony tails to the children who wanted to get their hair done today. Little babies were kept inside this morning due to the excessive heat.

For lunch we had whole wheat pasta and fruit salad. Yes, you read that correctly! The kids loved it. We also had yogurt and corn.

Make it a great day! Regards, Lisa, Paulina, Marty and Amy

WWF Daily Explorations, 7-11-11

Welcome back! We hope everyone had a wonderful, restful break. This morning we had story time, and then loaded up on sunscreen to go outside and use our new beachball sprinkler. What fun! A special thanks to Miss Paulina for blowing it up! We were only able to use it for a short time before the rain. Hopefully we can venture out this afternoon. Miss Lisa and Paulina did some dance and music with the children once the rain started. We did our new “Stop, Go” song, and sang to “We all sing with same voice” and used our shakers.

For lunch today we had chicken with whole wheat pasta, bananas and broccoli. If you have not already done so, please be bring in a swimsuit for your child to leave here at WWF. With the hot summer days, we do spend a lot of time with water exploration outside. Please be sure to send your child in play clothes, especially our non-walkers who give their knees a real workout!
Happy Birthday, Miss Paulina!

Regards, Lisa, Paulina, Marty and Amy

WWF Daily Explorations, Thursday 6-30-11

Happy Thursday! In the words of Dr. Seuss, “The more you read, the more you know….” We have been engulfed in reading books this week. What a great thing! We are reading inside, outside, and everywhere in between.

Music surrounded us again this morning outside under our shady tree. Alma led us in a game of hide and seek with all of our WWF’s joining in the game. We also played at the water table.

For lunch today we had brown rice with pulled beef, fresh spinach, and watermelon.

Since outside time is such an integral part of our learning environment, it is best for you to send your “wee one” in play clothes. Also, we are encouraging you to bring in a swimsuit for our outside water time.

May your week be filled with much family time. We look forward to seeing everyone on Monday, July 11, when we return from summer break!

Regards, Lisa, Marty, Amy and Paulina

WWF Daily Exploration, Wednesday 6-29-11

Another beautiful outside day today! We did music outside under our big tree. We loved the “Racecar Song,” and our new stop and go song. We are now acting out the song, “Five Little Monkeys.” One of our Wee Friends alumna is here for the summer, and has been a big help here at WeeWee. She has really helped our children extend their play and imaginations. Thank you, Sydney!

This afternoon we will go outside and watch our Wee Friends compete in race car derby. They made their own cars, as they recently completed a study on this. We will show our support by waving our flags.

Everybody….start your engines!

Regards, Lisa, Amy, Marty and Paulina

WWF Daily Explorations, Tuesday 6-28-11

We started our day with lots of books about firefighters. We wore our fire hats and responded to some fire calls. We took advantage of the beautiful day and played outside. We rode our bikes, colored outside, watered our flowers, and picked lettuce and pea pods from our garden for lunch.

We dined on whole wheat tortillas with turkey, salad with shredded carrots and pea pods, and bananas. Great for a summer day. We will enjoy more outside time this afternoon.

Enjoy the sunshine!
Regards, Lisa, Amy, Marty and Paulina

WWF Daily Explorations, 6.14.11

We had a very good, rainy Wednesday! Miss Paulina and Amy worked with the older children in the kitchen using cement and rocks. They had so much fun while incorporating science, math, and art all at the same time. Pla-Doh, painting and water time followed. It was also a great morning for story time.

For lunch today we had some delicious brown rice, shredded pork, peas, and strawberries. We had some wonderful appetites! Please note that when I have indicated tortillas in the past, they are whole wheat, unless of course, your child has food restrictions.

This afternoon we will continue playing with our car ramps, learning more about fast, slow, large, small, and speed! We are asking that all “special” toys, etc. Be left in your cars prior to arrival. Make it a great day! Regards, Lisa, Paulina, Amy and Marty


WWF Daily Explorations, 6.13.11

Happy Monday. This morning Miss Lisa worked in the kitchen with the children doing some painting with yarn. The children dipped the yarn in different colors of paint then placed the yarn on paper. We learned colors and descriptive vocabulary like large and small, long and short, and had fun at the same time. A special thank you to Marty´s husband Chris, who provided us with some extra large t-shirts for painting smocks. They sure came in handy! Miss Marty stayed inside with our little ones, and Miss Paulina and Lisa took the other children outside for some water play. We filled smaller tubs of water and used all of the bottles, that Caelan’s mom, donated to us. We also brought out our large water table where we spent the rest of the morning dumping, filling, and pumping water.

YouTube Video

For lunch today we had ham and cheese tortillas, fresh cantaloupe, and mixed vegetables.

We are hoping to go on a nature walk after nap this afternoon.

Just a reminder that with summer here, we will be doing water play quite frequently. Please be sure that your child has enough extra clothes.

Enjoy the beautiful day!


Lisa, Paulina, Amy and Marty.

WWF Daily Explorations, 6.9.11

Despite the rain, we still had an action-packed morning here at WeeWee. Miss Lisa did some math with the children using race cars. We also put them down our slide, and watched them go! Both Miss Lisa and Marty read to the cbildren in a group, or individual settings. Play-Doh was fun and enjoyed by all. You should have seen the creativity and talent. We had everything from rockets to tacos.
Be sure to check out our “before and after” pics of our WWF top models, hair compliments of Marty! Please know we do have one case of strep throat. Be watching for low grade fevers, as that is often a symptom. Make the best of this rainy day. Regards, Lisa, Marty, Amy and Paulina

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

WWF Daily Explorations, 6.8.11

Happy Wednesday! Our day started with lots of excitement. Miss Marty was reading the children about a firetruck, when we got word that there was one down the street. The fireman was so nice to the children, and even let them sit in the seat! Elizabeth took control of the wheel, and was ready to respond to the next call!
Some of the older kids did venture out with Miss Amy for a short time. We did a peg activity and played with our farm animals. It was a great day to be sitting on our rugs listening to stories. Miss Lisa read us several about animals.
We had scramled eggs, toast, peas, and oranges for lunch. Just a reminder that with the hot temperatures, water play is a must, so please be sure to provide us with several extra summer clothing items. Keep cool! Regards, Lisa, Amy, Paulina and Marty

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

WWF Daily Explorations, 6.6.11

Happy Monday!  Please accept our apology, as we had some technical difficulties with our blog on Friday.

This morning Miss Paulina played with the children and our barn.  They identified farm animals, their sounds, and baby animals.  The children also did some yoga.  While Miss Paulina was inside with this group of children, Miss Lisa had some of the smaller ones outside.  The children and Miss Lisa were rolling the ball to one another, played in the sand, and enjoyed a nice swing ride while singing songs.  We also have a new flashlight that shines in red, has different sequencing and light patterns, and was great for our hunt and exploration in our cave this morning.  Alma and Umi once again transformed into a beautiful ballerina and princess.  Miss Paulina sang,  ¨Bow, Bow to Miss Melinda,¨ as the children danced.  Finn requested ¨BINGO,¨and the firetruck song.  It was then time to put on our firemen hats to sing with our firetruck song!

It has been brought to my attention that Marty is very rarely mentioned in our blog.  Please know that Marty is a big asset to our team, and while Miss Paulina and myself are engaging in activities with the older children, Marty is often tending to our infants.  She is a great multi-tasker, and is often seen with more than one baby in her arms!  Marty is also our ¨resident hairstylist,¨ and we truly do appreciate all she does for us here at WWF!

Quote for the week, provided to us by Finn:  ¨I sure am a lucky man!¨ We are the lucky ones to have your child with us!  Make it a great week!

Just  a reminder that we will be closed July 1-11 as we enjoy time with our families.

Lisa, Paulina, Amy and Marty