WF, 4/3/2018

Good Afternoon!

**WEE WEE request: Our Wee Wee friends have been showing interest in dress up clothes. If any family has dress up shoes that they’d be willing to donate, we’d appreciate it! –Thanks!

In pre-k/k group, we read ‘Bunny Cakes’ which was about two main characters, Max and Ruby, making individual birthday cakes for their grandmother. After the story was done, we read two different story problems and created addition equations. Together, we filled in the blanks and found the answer to both problems!

K.CA.1-2: Solve real-world problems, objects, or drawings that involve addition and subtraction within 10. Demonstrate the equation (e.g., 5= 3 + 2 and 5= 4 + 1).


Our journal experience was fantastic today! Every member of our pre-k/k group wrote their own journal description. A few of our journal descriptions: ‘Kreses Town’, ‘Me and Grady’, ‘Me and My Whole Family’ and ‘Grandma Grandpa Cousins’.


Maddie explored the welcome activity this morning which revolved around addition using dominos. Maddie put the sand numbers out on her tray. She took one domino and added up all of the dots and put the domino on the total that she came to. For example, on the sand number 4, she put the domino that displayed two dots on each side, equaling 4!

K.CA.1-2: Solve real-world problems, objects, or drawings that involve addition and subtraction within 10. Demonstrate the equation (e.g., 5= 3 + 2 and 5= 4 + 1).


A few friends helped Miss Kim make homemade carrot cake energy balls! There were three steps that we had to complete.

Step 1: Put all of the ingredients into the mixing bowl.


Step 2: Stir all of the ingredients together.


Step 3: Roll the mixture into individual balls. Roll the balls in coconut.


They were very good and we enjoyed having a unique, special snack! Smile

Breakfast– Kix and PPC banana.

Lunch– Hummus on whole wheat flatbread, fresh apples, and fresh carrots.

PM snack– Homemade carrot cake energy balls and string cheese.

Wee Sprout– Fresh carrots.

Have a lovely night!


Link to pictures: WF 4/3