WF, 3/4/2025

Good Afternoon!

The conversation revolving around primary colors and mixing of colors was prominent today which guided our PREK1 group activity for today. We read, ‘Nibbles Colors’ and afterwards, we used a few of our older friends to build knowledge of primary and secondary colors. They explored a playdough mixing activity this morning so their color knowledge was fresh! We worked with primary paint dotter and used two primary colors to make a new secondary color. Our older friends shared their knowledge from the playdough experience earlier today.

K.W.5: With support, build understanding of a topic using various sources. (Identify relevant pictures, charts, grade-appropriate texts, personal experiences, or people as sources)


This morning there was a discussion about mixing colors.  We decided to create a color mixing activity with play dough to expand upon it.  We tried mixing primary play dough colors to make secondary colors.  Katherine asked later where primary colors come from since you can’t make them by mixing other colors together.  We talked about how primary colors come from the earth.  They are made of minerals that are used to make primary paint colors.  We love fostering this natural and authentic way of learning about the world through contemplation and asking questions. 


We explored ice during our welcome activity as we have been talking about making comparisons between opposites like hot and cold.  We had a small group discussion about what words we would use to describe the ice.  Of course we thought of cold right away, but we also came up with wet, slippery, smooth, white and hard after some further thought.



PREK2: We read the story “Mouse Paint” during group today as we had been talking about colors.  The book talked about mixing primary colors to make secondary colors.  After the story, we picked a secondary color out of the bowl.  Then, we placed it under the primary color combination it belonged to on the board.


Breakfast– Puffins cereal with fresh blueberries.

Lunch– Peanut butter on whole wheat bread/flatbread, fresh pineapple/cantaloupe/oranges, and fresh cucumber/snap peas.

PM snack– Whole wheat bagel with cream cheese.

Wee Sprout– Fresh cucumber/snap peas.

Have a wonderful night.

-Wee Friends Teachers

Link to pictures: 2025-03-04