WF 02/07/2024

Good Afternoon!

***Reminder: The pre-conference form (YELLOW SHEET) is due this Friday, February 9th! Thanks!

A friend asked this morning, “Could you turn on some music?”. This interest led into a music session this morning where we listened to music while playing a variety of musical instruments! Some of our favorite instruments to explore were the xylophone, accordion, and maracas. This activity lent itself as an authentic time for children to wait patiently for something that they wanted. The accordion and xylophone were hot commodities but since there’s only one of each instrument, friends had to wait patiently for a turn!


We got outside and enjoyed just a sliver of sunshine. It was enough for us! We got out the bikes at the request of several friends. Children floated around outside from activity to activity, soaking up the fresh air and expending some energy.


Breakfast: Oatmeal with fresh cantaloupe/strawberries.


Lunch: Farm fresh scrambled eggs with whole wheat tortilla, fresh oranges/banana, and fresh carrots/pepper.

PM Snack: Blue corn chips with hummus.

Wee Sprouts: Fresh cucumbers and peppers.

Link to photos: 2024-02-07

WWF 02/07/2024

Good Afternoon!

This morning our friends were engaged in a variety of activities.  Ben and Eliza enjoyed looking at a book independently, Eden sat and played in the cube, Charlotte crawled on the habi-trail, Dax and Ben built with the hollow blocks and Eleanor explored building with the Magna-Tiles.


We then went into the kitchen to paint with blue, red and yellow tempera paint and our new circle sponge brushes.  We have brushes that are a small circles, medium circles and large circles.  We were each given all 3 sizes to choose from to create our paintings.  Some of us explored mixing colors together to create a new color on our papers.


We then headed outside to enjoy a little sunshine and fresh air.  We climbed on the slide, drove the construction trucks in the rock area, walked around on the rock path and engaged with the sea animals at the table.


Breakfast: Overnight Oatmeal with cinnamon/sugar mixture and bananas.

Lunch: Farm fresh scrambled eggs with whole wheat bread, fresh apple slices and carrots.

Snack:  Whole grain wheat tortillas and refried beans.

Wee Sprout: Yellow bell pepper.

Have a great evening!

~Rebekah and Jena

Link to pictures: 2024-02-07

WF, 2/6/2024

Good Afternoon!

We continued diving into different text genres in PREK1 today. Yesterday we focused on fiction and today we tackled poetry! We read a few poems from the book, ‘It’s Raining Pigs and Noodles’. For poetry days, I take the book and slowly fan through the book and each child gets to place their finger on a page and that’s the poem we read. We do this for each child so that we read several poems with varying topics and lengths! After we were done, we added it to our chart. What genre will we read tomorrow?

Last week several friends were pretending to be serving lemonade at the water table we had out.  This week we elaborated on their imaginative play creating a lemonade sensory bin.  We added cups and pitchers of varying sizes.  Many friends noticed the weight difference between the small and large jugs.  Many enjoyed the challenge of picking up and pouring the largest jug into cups.  Great practice in motor control!  The lemonade making went on all morning!


At our welcome activity this morning we set out three trays of various objects, and jars to sort into.  Friends were encouraged to come up with a sorting system of their own. Several sorted by size or shape.   Our older friends came up with some very creative ways of sorting.  Nesta chose to sort her “jewels” according to how special they were.  She had a jar for the most special, one for less special and one for least special.


Today in the science area, a group of friends worked together to build a dinosaur bunk house where the dinosaurs were having a sleep over.  The bunk house stretched across the entire room with the ability to accommodate all of the dinosaurs we have!


Breakfast– Chex and fresh oranges.

Lunch– Avocado chicken sandwich on whole wheat bread, fresh cantaloupe/strawberries, and fresh pepper/carrot.

PM snack– Whole wheat bagel with peanut butter.

Wee Sprout– Fresh pepper/carrot.

Have a lovely night!

-Wee Friends Teachers

Link to pictures: 2024-02-06

WWF, 02/06/2024

Good Afternoon!

This morning Charlotte, Eden and Eleanor sat on the reading step to look through their own book.


A few friends then went to look at the pictures of their friends.  Each picture has velcro on it so friends can attach them to the felt board.


We then headed into the kitchen for a sensory experience with shaving cream.  The friends enjoyed spreading it all over their trays with their hands while feeling its smooth texture or using a paint brush to spread it.


We then headed out to do some dancing and movement songs.  Friends acted out the movements to the song Listen and Move by Greg and Steve.  A few friends enjoyed listening to the song and shaking their dancing scarves to the music.


Breakfast: Whole grain Cheerios with fresh orange slices.

Lunch: Hummus on whole grain wheat tortilla, fresh strawberries and peas.

Snack:Whole grain wheat bagel with butter spread and cinnamon sugar mixture and fresh pear slices.

Wee Sprout: Fresh Roma tomatoes.

Have a great evening!

Rebekah and Jena

Link to pictures: 2024-02-06

WWF 02/05/2024

Good Afternoon!

This morning we were engaged in a variety of activities.  Eliza was reading a book to her baby doll, Ben dressed-up in a shirt, Charlotte explored the face of her baby doll and Eleanor made some toast.


We then engaged with the object permanence boxes working on our fine motor skills to place the ball or coin in the hole or slot.


We then built with Magna-Tiles.  We built something that was big enough to place our animals or Little People inside.


We then headed outside to enjoy the sunshine while engaging in our favorite activities.  We rode on the teeter totters, rode bikes down the hill and in the sandbox, we rode the dump truck and scooped the sand.


Breakfast: Peanut butter on toasted whole grain wheat bread and fresh apple slices.

Lunch: Whole wheat penne pasta with black beans, fresh orange slices, and fresh Roma tomatoes.

Afternoon Snack: Whole milk yogurt and Roma tomatoes.

Wee Sprouts: Yellow bell peppers.

Have a great evening!

Rebekah and Jena

Link to pictures: 2024-02-05

WF, 2/5/2024

Good Afternoon!

This week in PREK1, one of the FAB’s that we’ll be exploring deals with text genres! Today, we read ‘The Day The Crayons Quit’ which quickly lead into a conversation about how it’s a fiction book because, “Crayons can’t talk!” and “Crayons can’t write letters!”. Throughout the week, we’ll dive into each text genre and explore what each genre offers.

K.RL.3.1: Recognize familiar narrative text genres (e.g. fiction, nonfiction, fairytales, and poems).

IMG_5108 (1)

This morning we enjoyed a loose parts welcome activity.  The activity encouraged sorting and matching, but was open ended to allow for imaginative play.  Several friend found the matching rings and wanted to sort and organize by color.  Others wanted create an imaginative game around it.  Some friends pretended the pieces were little people…or in one case bunnies… and the buttons were their plates.  Some built little homes for them from the wood trays.


We all are enjoying the fresh warm unseasonable air!  We spent lots of time outdoors this morning!



PREK2: We talked about emotions during group time, anger in particular.  We talked about our favorite ways to get ourselves back to feeling calm and safe.


Breakfast– Whole wheat toast with peanut butter and fresh oranges.

Lunch– Whole wheat pasta with shredded beef and fresh tomatoes, fresh pineapple/apple, and fresh carrots/tomatoes/pepper.

PM snack– Whole milk yogurt with

Wee Sprout– Fresh carrots/tomatoes/pepper.

Have a wonderful night.

-Wee Friends Teachers

Link to pictures: 2024-02-05

WWF 02/02/2024

Happy Friday!

Today we celebrated Ben’s 2nd birthday! Happy birthday Ben!


Enjoy some pictures from our day!


Breakfast: Whole grain brown rice cakes with peanut butter and fresh pear slices.

Lunch: All natural deli turkey on whole wheat tortilla, fresh apples slices, and yellow bell pepper.

PM Snack: Frozen banana bites half-dipped in semi-sweet chocolate, pretzels and mozzarella cheese stick.

Wee Sprout: Cucumber.

Have a great weekend!

~ Jena and Amanda

Link to Pictures: 2024-02-02

WF, 2/2/2024

Happy Friday!

We wrapped up our week in PREK1 by doing a search throughout the classroom for specific shapes in our environment. As children came to the board, they flipped up their notecard to find what shape they had to find and in what room they had to find it in! Here are a few shapes we found: a square window in habitrail, a circle lazy Susan in the kitchen, and a circle checker in science area!

K.G.2: Compare shapes using informal language to describe their similarities, different, and parts (e.g. number of sides, length of sides, and vertices).


Enjoy the pictures from a fantastic Friday.


Breakfast– Brown rice cakes with peanut butter and fresh pears.

Lunch– Turkey on whole wheat bread, fresh pears/oranges, and fresh pepper/cucumber/carrot.

PM snack– Goldfish and string cheese.

Wee Sprout– Fresh pepper/carrot/cucumber.

Have a lovely weekend.

-Wee Friends Teachers

Link to pictures: 2024-02-02

WF, 2/1/2024

Good Afternoon!


1. Conference Scheduling Forms are due TOMORROW, FRIDAY FEBRUARY 2nd.

2. Pre-Conference Form (yellow form) is due Friday, February 9th.

3. Re-enrollment Form + fee is due March 1st—> early submission of form and fee by Friday, February 16 for discount rate!


Good afternoon everyone!

Today we worked on a group activity that fell somewhere between shape building an ephemeral artwork.  We covered the table with a variety of  line drawn shapes.  We added very tactile glass beads to the table for our friends to use to create mosaic like art work.  Some chose to sort the beads into colors, others wanted to get as many beads onto a shape as possible, others said they would only be using rainbow colors in their creationWinking smile 


After the activity some friends colored and drew on the large shape filled paper.  They wanted to save certain shapes so the project became a fine motor exercise in using scissors to dismantle the enormous paper into take home sized pieces!


PREK2:  During group we read the story “Ruby Has a Worry”.  We talked about worries we each had at the beginning.  After we read the story we remembered that Ruby had made her worry shrink away by talking about the worry with a friend.


Breakfast: Chex cereal with apple slices

Lunch: Brown Rice with beef and fresh clemintines, apples, carrots and cucumbers

PM Snack: whole wheat crackers with peanut butter and seeds in top

Wee Sprouts: Red bell peppers and cucumber slices

Link to Phots:2024-02-01

Enjoy the evening!

~Wee Friends Teachers

WWF 02/01/2024

Happy Sunny Thursday!

This morning Ben and Eliza engaged in building towers with the Lego Duplo’s and Dax was using the bulldozer to “push the people.”


We then engaged in the kitchen with the wooden loose part shapes and animals.  We were busy stacking and sorting our shapes on our tray.  Eden and Eleanor enjoyed exploring the different animals they had on their trays.


It has been a long time since we made it outside in the morning!  We enjoyed the feel of the bright sunshine on our faces as we played in the little house, went down the slide, walked around and observed and dug in the rock area.


Breakfast: Chex cereal with fresh orange slices.

Lunch: Whole grain brown rice with shredded turkey, fresh yellow bell peppers and fresh apple slices.

PM Snack:  Wheat Thins crackers and Pepita seeds.

Wee Sprout: Fresh Roma tomatoes.

Have a great evening!

~Rebekah and Jena

Link to pictures: 2024-02-01