Good Afternoon!
To start off our day, PREK1 friends came to sign in where they focused on one specific community helper: an electrician! After talking about the job of an electrician, children had to come up with a tool that an electrician may have to use to do his or her job! Kids used their kid spelling and knowledge of letter sounds to write the name of the tool they chose.
Social Studies: K.2.1 Give examples of people who are community helpers (inside the classroom and outside the classroom) and describe how they help us.

In PREK1 group, we read a book titled, ‘A Day In The Life of a Builder’. Afterwards, we formed a circle on the floor to play a round of Community Helper Bingo! Friends were so quick to find their community helper on their board once I finished reading the clue but also quick to help peers next to them search to see if they had the helper on their board! We love a good, competitive game but also one that allows us to work together!

Our class is talking about community helpers as part of out curriculum this week. We are using boxes to create community buildings which we will use for imaginative play when they are done. We talked about what buildings are in our community. We created a fire department, police department, a school, a library and a post office initially. After further discussing, it was decide by some of our friends that we needed a government building and a recycling/disposal building as well. So we created them too! One of our older friends astutely observed that we were making a community AS a community! What a great thought!

Just wanted to share some of the creative variety of journal topics from our PREK2 group this week!

PREK2: During group today we learned about Firefighters and how they help our community. We read a book about the tools firefighters use to save lives and put out fires. We made a class list of what firefighters use to do their jobs.
Breakfast: Cheerios with fresh cantaloupe and banana.
Lunch: Peanut butter on whole wheat tortilla with fresh pineapple/pears, and carrots and cucumbers.
PM Snack: Whole wheat toast with cinnamon and mozzarella string cheese.
Wee Sprouts: Fresh carrots and bell peppers.
Link to Photos: 2024-01-09
Have a wonderful afternoon!
-Wee Friends Teachers