Good Afternoon!
Yesterday, we started a conversation around the places we visit in our community. Today, we focused on places within our classroom. Each PREK1 group member chose a circle from the ledge. We read it together and afterwards, they had to figure out where to place their circle on our classroom map. For example, Katherine’s circle had ‘habitrail’ written on it. She looked at the spaces that were already claimed and after she figured out where to tape her ‘habitrail’ circle, she wrote her name on it.
As Hannah was looking on after she got done signing in, she shared an idea for tomorrow’s sign in: “You know how the big kids have classroom jobs and areas they check to make sure they are clean? We should do a sign in about that!”.
Social Studies: K.3.3 Locate and describe places in the school and community.
There have been several conversations at the lunch table about birthdays and who is older than who. This sorting game arose from those conversations to find our classroom age order. We used a calendar and some color coding to help us sort out everyone’s age and to arrange them in order. We also sorted our class birthday months so we could see which months had birthdays and which did not. All of the black cards represent months with no classroom birthdays.
The five year old’s loved the activity. Adrian was particularly invested. He was so quick to see all of the color patterns and had a lot of excitement around noticing them! At the end of the activity, we chose what we wanted to record about our class birthdays. Everyone took it in different directions. Adrian color coded the months to coincide with the chart and recorded how many birthdays there are in each month. Hannah chose to record the exact birthdays of her closest friends. William and Nesta were most interested in writing down each month in order exactly as they were written on the cards.
There were several younger onlookers learning by observing. Some of the younger kids enjoyed playing with different ways they could arrange the cards when the older kids were done. They arranged most often by size or color. This is just one among many reasons that multiage is such an excellent learning environment!
PREK2: We read “The Listening Walk” during group time today. At the end of the story we talked about places in our community. We each picked a place we have enjoyed visiting in our community.
Breakfast– Kix and banana.
Lunch– Peanut butter sandwiches on whole wheat bread, Havarti cheese slices, fresh pineapple/oranges, and fresh carrot/green beans.
PM snack– Whole wheat bagel with cream cheese.
Wee Sprout– Fresh green beans/pepper/carrots.
Have a wonderful night.
-Wee Friends Teachers
Link to pictures: 2024-06-04