Good Afternoon!
**Wee Friends is closed on Monday, September 2 for Labor Day.
When we came in from outside this morning, PREK1 friends signed in. They had to choose from two rules and sign under which one is a current Wee Friends rule.
Later on in PREK1 group, we read, ‘What Should Darla Do?’. This is one of our favorite stories because it’s interactive and children get to help make the choices for the main character. We decided on doing a pattern and chose: good choice, bad choice, good choice to see how that would affect Darla’s day.
Once we were done reading, each friend shared a school rule as they rolled up their mat. The rules that were shared were:
1. Be kind.
2. Don’t run at the bottom of the yard because that’s where the wee wee’s play.
3. Don’t run inside (because you could hurt a friend!).
4. Walk nicely in scissors in the art area.
Once we shared the rule, it was important to talk about WHY we have that rule.
Social Studies: K.2.3 Give examples of classroom and school rules and explain how each helps us.

This morning, we found a cicada on the sidewalk outside. There has been a lot of interest in cicadas as many of our friends have been hearing them in the trees and finding their shed skin outside. We talked about the cicadas life cycle and read some books about them. Many of our friends have been very curious about what the adult looks like after it emerges from its skin. An adult cicada was the perfect find to build on the child lead portion of our curriculum. We set up trays for observational drawings of the insect. We tried to use our observational skills to count how many legs, and also asking ourselves what shapes we saw and what colors. If we were able, we used our kid spelling skills and sounded out CICADA to write on our drawing! It was a great combination of science, art and writing. The more subjects that can come together into one, the more learning happens. When the subject is an area of interest for the child the learning that takes place becomes deeply engrained and tends to be remembered.

PREK2: During group we read the story, ‘Big Bug Surprise’ since there was so much talk of bugs this morning! We talked about how often we call everything that has multiple legs a “bug”, But there are actually differences between them. We counted six legs on an insect and eight on a spider. Then we chose our favorite “bug” to place our name under on the board.

Breakfast– Corn Chex and fresh strawberries.
Lunch– Peanut butter sandwich on whole wheat tortilla, fresh nectarines, and fresh cucumber/carrot/pepper
PM snack– Whole wheat bagel with cream cheese.
Wee Sprout– Fresh cucumber/carrot/pepper,
Have a wonderful night.
-Wee Friends Teachers
Link to pictures: 2024-08-27